Strangers to lover's.

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                                         Hi i'm summer and this is the strangers to lovers story enjoy.

YOU ARRIVE AT OBX AND YOU GO TO THE BEACH AND SURF WHEN YOU GO UNDER AND YOU ARE CALLING FOR HELP YOU CAN BREATH WHEN THE POUGES SEE YOU JJ RUNS IN THE WATER AND GRAPS YOU. AND TAKES YOU TO LAND AND DOES CPR AND DOES MOUTH TO MOUTH. YOU WAKE UP AND COUGH WATER AND YOU SAY THANK YOU AND HUG JJ. JOHN B- ARE YOU OKAY MISS? YOU-YEA IM FINE THANKS. KIARA- WHATS YOUR NAME.  YOU- IM Y/N WHO ARE YOU GUYS.. POPE-WERE THE POUGES. Y/N-OH COOL WELL THANKS FOR SAVING ME YOUR NAMES? *YOU LOOK AT JJ*  THE POUGES-KIARA POPE JJ JOHN B. YOU-OH OKAY WELL IT WAS NICE MEETING YOU GUYS AND THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR SAVING ME I HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON. THE POUGES-BYE NICE MEETING YOU. *THE NEXT MORNING* YOU WAKE UP AND GO TO SCHOOL.  TEACHER-HI CLASS GOODMORNING WE HAVE A NEW STUDENT Y/N ROUTLEDGE . JJ WISPERS- ROUTLEDGE. *AFTER SCHOOL* THE POUGES WALK UP TO YOU* YOU-OH HEY. THE POUGES- HEY SO WE HEARD YOUR NAME IS Y/N ROUTLEDGE  YOU-YEA IM IN OBX TO LOOK FOR MY BROTHER. JOHN B-IM YOUR BROTHER JOHN B ROUTLEDGE *HE HUGS YOU* YOU-OMG OMG ITS SO NICE TO MEET YOU BROTHER. JOHN B-IM SO HAPPY I FOUND YOU. YOU- ME TO. *time jump- its 2 months later and you and john b are living together and you gotten really close to the pouges*  you- im so happy i met you guys. the pouges- we are to.  jj- can i talke to you y/n plz. you-sure okay *you guys go to his room.* you- so what do you wanna talk about? jj-y/n...i love  you.. you- awe i love you to. jj-no like i am in love with you.. y/n- jj...    jj-forget what i said..*he walks out*  you-jj wait... *you go on the porch* john b- whats wrong with him..?    you- he said he loved me...*you walk on the beach and sit with jj* jj-y/n just leave me alone..   you-jj its not that i dotn love you i do i love you im in lovve with you but your my brothers bestfriend.  jj-so what that does not matte- *you kiss him witch turns into a make out and he puts you on his lap* jj- y/n will you be my girlfriend? you- i would love to jj.  *jj kisses you and you guys walk back to the pouges*  jj- we have to tell you guys something   the pouges-what is it?   you and jj-were dating!  john b- woow thats great.. kiara-we should go to a party tonight.   the pouges- yea!   *everyone is at the party and you and jj are drunk making out on jj's lap*  john b-come on guys where going home..  *you guys go home and you and jj are making out in his room*  *jj starts takeing off your clothing and he kisses down you neck giving you hickys you guys do it and fall asleep cuddling* its the next morning and you wake up and make breakfast and john b and jj and you eat* john b- thansk for the food sis.  jj-thanks babe..   you- your welcome guys.  you-ima go surfing wanna come?  jj and john b-sure *you and the pouges all go surfing*   jj goes home first and then you go home and walk in on jj kissing kie *you just stand there in shock not knowing what to say or do*  jj-im so sorry y/n she kissed me..   kiara- wha- no i didnt you kissed me   *you walk out crying and you fall into john bs arms* john b-what happen y/n are you okay?  you- he cheated   *jj and kie come out and your just staring at the ground you are in shock bc you thought he would never cheat its like you cant feel anything*  john b- wth jj what did you do to her..   jj- i didnt do anything..  kiara- you kissed me jj you kissed me i didnt kiss you you cheated on y/n..  jj- no i didnt.  john b- stop arguing y/n are you okay..!!  you-i-i was inlove with you jj and you broke me you ruined it all * you stand up in his face and push him*  john b graps you john b- stop y/n..   pope walks in*  pope- what happen to y/n?  john b- jj and kiara kissed..  *you  walk out and get in your car and drive off* pope- wth jj and ki you shouldnt have done that..  kiara- its not are problem jj likes me and not y/n.  jj- no i dont you kissed me bc you heard y/n coming..   john b- you have to fix this jj..  *jj walks off and go's to the beach and sits next to you* you- get away from me   jj- listen y/n im so sorry i didnt kiss her she kissed me bc she heard you coming plz y/n forgive me..  *you kiss him* you-i believe you jj.  jj- i love you y/n  you- i love you to jj  *time jump its 2 years later and jj and you are married and have 2 kids* you-lilly katie dinners done.   jj-come on girls..    lilly and katie- thanks for the food mommy you- your welcome.  jj- i love you honey  y/n-i love you to.

The end.   thank you for reading my short story i hope you enjoyed.

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