One one pitch black night four friends meet up in the woods next to a haunted house. "hey jimmy" said frankie "hey frankie" said Jimmy "Hey everyone woo" replied Thomas "ehhh hey" said Kylie. "Are you sure we should be here" Kylie wondered. "Why you scared" Frankie replied. "Yeah terrified" said kylie. "Hey I have an idea lets play dares" Suggested Thomas. "Yh" everyone said.
First Dare went to Jimmy, Jimmy was the tough one. "Ok thats fine what do you want me to do?" toughly said Jimmy. "I have an idea, Go into the haunted house for atleast five minuites."Devesley said Frankie. "No i aint doing that" replied Jimmy. "Why you scared" Everyone laughed. " No" shouted Jimmy. "Then go into the haunted house" Said Thomas. "Fine but you to have to come with me" Said Jimmy. "Fine lets go" said Frankie. "I aint going in there" Said Kylie "Fine stay out here on your own"said Jimmy "On second thoughts I'll come" said Kylie.
As they walked towards the haunted house they heard spooky noises getting closer as they got closer to the haunted house. They then arrived outside the haunted house and the noises were louder. They walked towards the door and pushed it open. As they walked in they heard a scream and they turned around and Kylie had disapered. "ok lets go" said Jimmy. "NO we can't leave without kylie"replied Frankie.
So they stated to look around the haunted house together but they found no traces of her. They started to worry so they hudled in close together.Then when the all moved apart they heard another scream and then turned around and Thomas had gone aswell.
"looks like it is just you and me Jimmy"Said Frankie. "yh" replied Jimmy. "Lets keep looking" said Frankie. So they carried on looking but still no traces. So they started to look for the enterance to get out by they couldn't find it. Then Jimmy heard Frankie scream and then he turned roundand he had gone.
"You guys please come out I am scared and alone" Cried Jimmy But no-one answered him so he lay on the floor crying and saying please dont hurt me please dont hurt me. Then out of no-where came the three friends and they walked towards him staring at him. Then he lifted his head and realised he had been tricked and said "I was not crying" "sure you wasn't said Frankie. "Come on lets get out of here" said Thomas.