Chapter 2

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"Yea life gets tough but so what, you have to stop blaming everybody for your problems get up off your ass and do something about it"- Gabby

I walked up the stairs and thankfully the door was open Gabby had came through for me. I exhaled closed my eyes and mentally prepared myself for what I was about to walk into. As soon as I stepped in I smelled the smell of bleach, it was so strong that instantly made my stomach hurt.

"Who the hell walking into my house this time of night ?", Mrs. Davis questioned.

I really didn't want to deal with this lady attitude right now but I had to suck it up and roll with punches. I just couldn't stand the fact that I was always being disrespected. I blew out the air I was holding in.

"It's me Camille, Mrs. Davis sorry I was late it won't happen again"

She came out the kitchen in her robe and had a cigarette hanging from her lips.

"Yeah that shit better not happen again cause this your second time doing that. Stop being fast and running around with that low life drug dealer and we wouldn't have those problems."

By this time she was close in my face and I could smell the vodka on her breath. She was a fat light skin woman with wide hips. She was actually pretty when she was younger but the years of smoking cigarettes had rotten her teeth and her skin reeked of alcohol. I'm not one to judge but I was truly disgusted just looking at her.

"Alright I here you I said it won't happen again", I said trying to side step her and go to my room.

"Don't sass me be late again and that's your ass", she said grabbing my arm while pointing her stubby finger in my face. I sucked my teeth snatched my arm a way from her and walked up the stairs to my room.

I walked past the boys corridor of the house and Jamal was talking on his cellphone.

"Alright but tell that hoe she better have Ghost money you know that nigga don't play about his money. Yea alright nigga that ain't going to be blood on my hands.", Jamal said and flipped the track phone closed. He looked at me and smiled.

"Hey C why you listening to a nigga conversation I didn't take you for the nosy type", he said chuckling while walking towards me and embracing me in a hug.

"Boy shut up I just happened to walk passed and heard the end of your convo nothing serious"

I pushed him off me and continued to walk to my room but not before saying goodnight. I got to my room to see Gabby at our vanity making faces. I couldn't do anything but smile at least one of us is having a decent night.

"Goofy ass why you making faces in the mirror", I said startling her and making her turn around.

"Don't scare me like that hoe I was trying to be cute."

"Yea... right ", I said sitting on our bed and exhaling.

"Bruh I'm so tired of this shit I'll be so happy when I can just leave this piece of shit. Don't you know Mrs.Davis had the nerve to tell me that Marco was a drug dealer. You don't know how bad that got under my skin I didn't let it show though."

"Well you never know what that boy has up his sleeve for you C. He could be just like all these other niggas. They sell you a dream but in reality they only want one thing."

"Yea you right about niggas only wanting one thing but Marco ain't like that. He don't care that I don't have the fattest ass or all that designer shit. He care about who I am as a person and he know I'm going to ride for him if it came down to it."

"Oh so what you telling me is if he needed you to put in some work you would do it ?"

"Yea", I said that shit so fast I didn't even think about what was actually coming out of my mouth. Would I really be able to be down for him ? Would I really be able to do a bid for him? Shit only time could tell. What I did know was that I loved him and I appreciated everything he was doing for me. I never had family that cared about me and showed me love the way Marco did. He promised me when I turned 18 that he'll take real good care of me and that I wouldn't have to worry about a damn thing. Wasn't much he could do now I had to wait 2 more months until I was able to be with him.

"Bitch are you listening to me ?" , Gabby said as she snapped her fingers in my face.

"No not really." , I said as I smacked her hand out of my face.

"Well if you not going to listen I'm not going to waste my breath do you boo.", she said as he turned off our lights and crawled into her bed.

I peeled my clothes off and sat on the edge of my bed just thinking about Marco. I knew that I loved him even when I had a hard way of showing it. I took a deep breath and pulled the covers over my head. It was at nights that I felt the loneliest and it was at night when I thought of her the most.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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