[1]Tiara and her family

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  Tiara prov 
Sunday,morning 10:00
                  I hear a continuous knock on room door and babes(my Big brother's wife ) calling my name as usual as my normal Sunday's.I lazily roll on my bed from the center to the bed's end and fall on the floor with the support of my elbows and my knees.dont get me crazy its my usual type.I got up from the floor by hearing the knocks and babes voice calling my name.I wear my flip-flops and open my door and see babes already got ready for going out and sh e says "I have prepared you guys breakfast be  careful me and your brother are going out for today will be back at night only so be careful and take care of the house and eat at time" I rub my eyes as she completes and kiss me on my forehead and again leaves the house by bidding me good bye.As she leave the I hear hear the sound of the house lock then I again get inside my room and go to my closet and take a hot shower.As I shower everything which happened in these last three years came to mind passing like a dream.
   3 Years ago,
        Its been one and half month after my parents died in the accident.I have cried for these one month and through this hard all my friends were there by my side to give their support.I love my family and always will love them.My parents will always be there and see me.After we have completed every formality, my big brother vikas who has a got a good job in new york a couple of year before getting married now he has a daughter who is in the age of 5.Eventhough he gets a good sum of money in newyork for a big family to survive because of my parents me, my second brother,Krish,who is just a year bigger than me,and babes her daughter amaira we all lived in India but now we have to go to New York now.i will my friends who all live here.
     So now we are having dinner in the gym,it does not look like a gym but it is like a friendship house for all the people here we all enjoy here by playing and do all the excercise we dance and sing and we have a dining room for eating also u don't even believe if I say here we have our room where we all sleep on our sleepover days .The dinner started nice with a good chat but slowly it turned in to cry because they will miss me.And we all had our group hug and I came hom as tomorrow I have to leave from india.
    Next day,
  It's time to leave my family like friends here they all give and send me with the most beautiful memories.I can see amrita my bestie u can say we are soulmates also cry at our seperation I give her a big hug and now when I see my two boy besties who are my buddies in crime has sad smile in their face. I control my tears which threaten to fall and hug everyone before leaving and board in the flight.i promised them to call after I reach new york.When I sit in the seat my 16 years of memories which I spent in india came to a flash in my mind.
    But I console myself as moving to New York would be new and fresh start.my new beginning of my life.
          As I complete my shower I hear the chatting sounds from down stairs.I go down and see my best friends in new york.They have been with from the first day I shift hear they live in the next week only five mins aways from me they slowly bought my original character back .We three became inseparable.my friends are Keira and Clara.
      Down I see Krish as usual flirting with Clara and Keira being her kidding them and rolling her eyes.
      As I step my last step in the stairs I was been hugged by a cute little girl yes it's amaira.I hug her back .
       Keira and Clara also indians and they know a little tamil and could understand our conversation in tamil.As I complete my hus with amaira,Keira comes and hug me and says"Hey babe" I smile and hug her when I heard Clara say "I think you guys really forgot to hug someone" by mentioning herself before we both open our arms for her Krish says" babe if you miss my hug you say it directly I will hug you" hearing her Clara blushes.I know they both like each other and started dating a few days before only but none can flirt with their girlfriend that too with the sister friend before her.
     Keira says that "she never said" and pulls Clara into our hug before Clara could protest.We share our hug and sit in the dining table and eat our food and as usual it goes like Krish flirting and Clara blushing for his cheap flirting skills and and me and Keira both kidding about it.

     I send amaira to her friend's house as her friend's mom came and pick her.And Krish says "as you guys are going to start your somophore year from tomorrow I am going a date with Clara" then he sheepishly smiles at us.Just now I analyse Clara's outfit as she wears this

And I say" okay little bro ,be careful on the road and watch the road and drive don't her beautiful face while driving or else

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And I say" okay little bro ,be careful on the road and watch the road and drive don't her beautiful face while driving or else...." I trail and see Keira and we both look at them smiling and they leave the house.
      As we planned to watch a movie and and sit in the couch and start to select the movie before I start the play button Keira asks"ready for the somophore year babe?" And I say lazily " there is nothing to get ready for it will be as usual as the last year" and start the movie.

     I did not know that my thought will be changed and my fate at that time.....

Guys who are reading this story .please forgive me if I have done any mistakes or it is a little boring this chapter .this is my first story .please comment your feelings on this.i promise I will solve all the problems  I had in theis chapter and slowly improve myself promise 😊😊

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