Chapter 4

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Everything in there was all green, looks like a fairy tale land, I love it and I am glad I had the opportunity to see it . I took a lot of pictures of the trees, some few species of plants as well as some animals even a parrot ! Well, I almost got the picture of the parrot but it flew away. I couldn't stop gasping in surprise, nature is so wonderful !!

           This reminded me of the time when, I , mom and dad used to go  to the park for picnic, I was seven years old or so at that time. The park was serene but not quite as beautiful as this one, oh I miss those days ! Too bad, when I clocked eleven, it stopped . I felt like I didn't even had a dad figure anymore, I was in a critical stage, when I needed love and support the most but I didn't get that, did I ? All I got was a daily routine  of quarrels, insults and fights between my parents. Enough of that, I need to focus on the present .

          I took the opportunity to get to know some species discussed in class, a physical experience, one on one with these species. I also got a chance to interact and talk with some people I normally don't talk to often to Our tour through the forest came to an end, we were returning back, until an incident occurred.  Someone tripped, it was Gabriella,  I was happy to see her but not happy about what happened, she now has a fracture. Some students  carried her all the way back because she couldn't walk properly.


   I was worried about Gabriella, so I decided to visit her in the sick bay . We talked for a while, until we were asked to meet in  the  hall .

"Good evening guys, I hope we all had a great day" Mr Godson said

"So now, we all are going to participate in an exercise, its main aim is to promote teamwork and cooperation between us. We will be doing more of this exercise as we continue to stay here. So today, we will be doing a scavenger hunt. You all will be grouped and given a list of items to find . First group to find all these items wins. Good luck "

      I happen to be lucky to be grouped with some awesome people, Samuel, Andrew, Jason and Gabriella. I was surprised to see Gabriella, she insisted to join us even with that fracture of hers , she said that her injury wasn't that serious. The scavenger hunt was going smoothly until Jason, started to boss us around, telling us what to do and we didn't like that . We had a quarrel among ourselves too but we all calmed down and apologized to one another . We realized we had to work with each other and if it's going to be Jason that will lead , so be it . Jason accepted his faults and apologized too .

       We wasted a lot of time quarreling, so we couldn't find everything in time. Even though we didn't win, we all learnt a lesson. Now I understand, these exercises and games organized are not just all about winning but learning new things that will one way or the other be of big help in the nearest future.

"So, how have you been ?" Gabriella asked

"All is well, I am doing fine, what about you ?"

"I am fine, I really like it here, there is so much to see "

"Yes, me too, it's really amazing. Jack didn't change his mind ? His friends are here "

"No, he didn't and even if he wanted to, he couldn't because he is grounded for a month"

"He deserves it ! It's getting late, goodnight, I hope that your injury heals quickly"

"I hope so too Joseph, bye "


             The next day, we went for hiking and rock climbing . Gabriella could not participate because of the obvious reason. It was so much fun , although I got hungry along the way, thank God I had some snacks to spare . We came back earlier than expected, so I , Gabriella and some  other friends, with permission, went out for bird watching.

      We headed back as soon as it was getting dark .

"It's almost time for us to go back home " I said

"I do miss home a lot" Jason said

"I don't want to leave" Gabriella said

"Me too ! It's really nice here" Samuel said

"Don't forget that we are not here only to have a good time " Andrew said

"Yeah, we are suppose to write a report and submit it, once we get back "

"I have not forgotten, I am almost done, Jason, have you started yours ? "

"Nope ! I forgot "

"Well, you better, we don't have much time " Linda said

"Joseph, can you help me in doing my report ?  Since we are staying in the same room "

"Why not ? Sure I will "

"So guys, have you seen miss sassy around ?" Jason asked

" Jason, stop it !"

"Oh please, stop acting like a saint , Linda"

 "Well is true, she is sassy "

"I heard that Jessica couldn't stay because she was allergic to a plant that commonly grows here, I don't know its name. She also complained that there are a lot  mosquitoes and that she can't get proper sleep " Samuel said

"Really ?"

"Jessica and miss Lacey are really birds of the same feathers. Miss slay queen and Cinderella"

"That's right. I can't stop laughing"

"Miss Lacey is old but why does she still looks young ? "

"Beauty products of course "

"Guys ! That's enough, may God forgive yor souls " I said

"Amen ! Pastor Joseph "

"But it's true though"

"The truth is always bitter" Jason say

  We all laughed uncontrollably afterwards

               After dinner, I couldn't stop thinking about everything that happened today, I enjoyed every bit of it, I can't wait for tomorrow.  As I lie on bed, looking up at the ceiling, I realized that we don't have much time, soon we will be going back. Time flies so fast ! Although, I miss home, I miss mom too but I wish our stay over here is longer.

I slept off before I knew it .


        We all got up early in the morning for jogging and some exercises as instructed . Then, I took breakfast with my friends .

"Two days left " I said

"It looks like it " Gabriella said

"To be honest, I miss home and even school a lot " Samuel said

"But what about this place, won't you miss it when we're gone ?" Jason asked

"For sure, we all will "

"I wish our stay won't come to an end " Andrew said

"Everything has an end Andrew, we just have to enjoy it while it last, every bit of it " Gabriella replied

"You're right, let us have lots of  fun"

         After the breakfast, we all went to the falls, it was breath taking . I really think the coordinator saved the best for the last, it had a nice view, everyone was astonished . Next thing we did was kayaking and later, we went for a swim with supervision, safety first  !!

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