My Saviour ~ Teacher!Female Crush x Female Reader - Part 2

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Hey guys,
This continuation of 'My Saviour ~ Teacher!Female Crush x Female Reader' was requested by:
I promised you i'd get it out sooner but i've had a problem with adding a new chapter into the book and then another problem with uploading it, but it's sorted now.
I hope you all enjoy it.

P.S, this is set maybe around the 2 month mark of (C/N) and (Y/N) dating. And I made this stories morning routine  my one because I can't remember if I added one to the first part 🤦🏼‍♀️, plus I guess you guys get to see how *great* my schools organisation of students arrival times are 😁 [sarcasm].

I also made it so that (R/N) [Rivals Name or Random Name, whichever you prefer.] has no visible pronouns in the story so you may decide if (R/N) is a Boy/Girl/Non-Binary/Genderfluid, or any other gender identity you would include.

Also TW: ⚠️ Graphic description of a fight ⚠️, ⚠️Mention of blood⚠️.
TW's will be mentioned before the section in the chapter takes place.

(S/N) = Students Name
And that (C/N) is only about like 4 years older than Reader in this chapter.


[(Y/N)'S POV]

Dating a teacher is kinda hard, as expected. We have to hide our relationship from everyone so that I don't get expelled and (C/N) doesn't get fired.

I woke up around 5:30am so I'd have time to get ready before the bus comes, I sat in bed and contemplated life for a few minutes and then got up. I had a shower, got my hair ready, did my makeup, (|A/N| We love mascara in this household because my eyelashes and eyebrows are literally invisible 😀, how quirky 🤪🥲😩😡.)  had breakfast and got dressed for school, when the bus arrived at 7:10am (|A/N| 😀 why.) I got on and sat in my usual seat. The bus wheezed through the neighbourhood and picked up all of the students that arrived to school on this bus. We got to school and departed the bus as it made its way to pick up kids that lived a further distance from the school. I walked to (C/N)'s classroom, the classes are always warm in the mornings and (C/N) always arrives at school the same time as me so that we can see each other in the mornings before we have to act like 'if I saw her in the supermarket i'd push my unsuspecting mother the other way so they don't talk about my grades' or 'Miss (C/N) sent me to detention last week for not handing in my homework so i'm ignoring her'. I arriver at her classroom to see that she was already in the classroom waiting for me, she looked over and smiled at me through the glass. "Hey (Y/N)." She greeted me kindly, "Hi (C/N)." I replied with the same amount of enthusiasm. I pulled a chair from a random desk and put it next to hers, "How are you this fine evening madame?" I asked her in my horribly fake old english accent, "I'm doing quite well, how are you my dear?" she continued in the same accent, "I'm lovely now that i'm with you, my love." I told her, I could see the faint blush peeking out from underneath her hands that she hid under while she giggled. She held out her arms to me and I moved towards her, letting her embrace me while I reciprocated. She kissed me on the top of my head comfortingly and I looked at her lovingly, we both moved in and shared an affectionate kiss, a sound echoed the room and we pulled away, it sounded like it came from outside of the classroom.

{<(C/N)'S POV>}
I looked towards the doorway, I thought i saw the faintest of movement but I brushed it off.

—•Time Skip (Still in (C/N)'S POV)•—

It was our final class of the day, (Y/N) was in this class, she always looks so cute when she concentrates. The person sitting next to her was trying to talk to her, throwing crumpled paper balls at her, "(R/N), I'd like it if you'd stop distracting (Y/N) from her work please." I called out. (R/N) looked back at their desk, muttering word under their breath, it seemed that (Y/N) heard it though as she looked up at me in shock. Uh oh, this wasn't good. (R/N) looked over at (Y/N) and whispered things to her that from my distance were unintelligible, (Y/N) looked over at (R/N) and began to argue with them. It looked quite bad as some students turned to look and listen to the argument.

The conflict that arose between (Y/N) and (R/N) grew louder and louder as I finally escalated to yelling. I could no longer see (Y/N) to make sure she was okay, but I found out what they were arguing about, the noise earlier.

It wasn't just a noise.

It was (R/N).

Some students looked towards me in disbelief.

'Is our teacher really dating on of our classmates?'

I could hear their thoughts.

(|A/N| TW ⚠️ Graphic description of a fight, Mention of blood. ⚠️)

I walked into the crowd, pushing my way through gossiping students, when I heard the sound of a fist connecting with a jaw, (R/N) had punched (Y/N) out of disgust, a choir of 'oooooh's' rung out throughout the crowd. "ARE YOU SLEEPING WITH HER, HUH? IS THAT WHY YOU'RE TOP OF OUR CLASS? I BET IT IS, HUH?" (R/N) exclaimed, (Y/N) got back up, "No, i'm n-not. I'm just have an IQ higher than a three year old." she said before punching (R/N) in the nose, a sickening crack was heard throughout the classroom, an even louder choir of 'ooooh's' rung out throughout the crowd. (R/N)'s nose was broken and a trail of dark blood was making its way towards (R/N)'s lips. "ALRIGHT THAT IS ENOUGH!" I yelled, "You're defending her because you're in a relationship with her and are sleeping with her, aren't you Miss (C/N)." A student snarkily stated to me, "For your information, we have not slept together, that is highly inappropriate, reminding everyone of our positions as student and teacher, we will not and have never done that, (Y/N) and I are purely in *just* (|A/N| * meant for emphasis btw.) a relationship, do I make myself clear!!" I reminded her,  another choir rung out throughout the classroom except this time it was "Yes Miss (C/N).". "(S/N) take (R/N) to the nurses office. (Y/N), I need to speak with you." I said as I walked out of the classroom.

[(Y/N)'S POV]
I walked out of the classroom shortly after (S/N) and (R/N) did, I saw (C/N) leaning against the wall. "Are you okay?" she asked, "Yeah, I'm fine" I replied. She sighed "Come on, lets go, I'll sign you out." she stated and gently grabbed my hand, (C/N) drove me to her house, carried me inside and put an icepack on my jaw. She picked me up again and laid me on top of her on her couch.m, she then wrapped her arms around me. "What are we gonna do?" I said to her, "What do you mean?" she asked, "They're gonna expel me and fire you from school." I replied to her. "They might, but i'm kinda sick of that job anyway, I might go back to university and study (Insert random job.)." she explained, "That sounds cool." I said. "Yeah" she said before drifting off to sleep while playing with my hair, after awhile the chill and numbness that followed from the icepack on my jaw faded as I too fell asleep.

I'm sorry for all the A/N lmao.
I know this wouldn't happen like this in real life but it was fun to write.
Thank you guys for reading my stories and voting for them, it means a lot.
I hope you enjoyed it.

Love you guys heaps <3.
🏳️‍🌈 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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