Chrysta Belle

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Chrysta Belle

Chapter One- Living Doll

     Chrysta Belle was Koriangelo's prize. The only thing on earth that held meaning to him. She was his child, his companion and his love all in one. She tamed his raging flame. For her, he would risk it all.

     Chrysta Belle stood 4 ft 6 inches tall. She had long chestnut hair that fell about her cocoa shoulders in gentle ringlets. Her face was slender and delicate, the depiction of femininity. Her nose was dainty and ever so slightly pointed at the end. Her lips were full and rounded with a dark tempting hue like a ripe plum on a summer's day. Her eyes were piercing green daggers that hid under a curtain of chestnut bangs. On her high cheekbone, directly beneath her right eye, was a single 24k diamond, resembling an eternal tear.

     She looked like a living doll and Koriangelo dressed her as such. He adorned her in the most lavish Lolita dresses, lace stockings, satin handgloves, paten leather shoes, velvet bonnets and silk undergarments. Koriangelo spared no expense for his prized possession. Each day, he had a new dress tailored for her. He had done so for the past 600 years. By this time, Chrysta Belle has over a dozen closets throughout his 8 million dollar mansion, filled with endless rows of lolita dresses, French lingerie, top line shoes, Victorian petticoats, fur coats and eclectic accessories. Her wardrobe was ever growing.

     In addition, Koriangelo assured that Chrysta Belle suffered no labor. He had over 800 staff throughout the house to assist with any possible task imaginable from cleaning, to gardening, to makeovers, bathing, makeup, tailors, entertainers, tutors, guards, pets, sex slaves and feeders. He assured Chrysta Belle never did anything herself, not even hunting. It had always been thus.

     To society, his relationship with Chrysta Belle might look questionable. She was a 612 year old woman forever caught in a twelve year old's body. For this reason, Koriangelo never showed any public displays of affection. In fact, he rarely was seen in public with her at all. If he was, he maintained a cool demeanor towards her, much like a stern stoic father. Hence, no one ever questioned them.

     Koriangelo's history with Chrysta Belle ranges back 6 centuries ago, when he found her hidden in the storage closet of a brothel in Paris, France. The brothel had been pilaged. Bodies of whores were strewn about in bloody pools. Amongst the chaos and death, was Chrysta Belle's mother, whom Koriangelo came to find out worked in the brothel, and whom, would leave her daughter in the storage closet each night while she worked.

     Initially, the smell of blood had drawn Koriangelo to the scene. He had thought perhaps he would find a ready meal. But, he had been met with the stale dank air of death. However, amongst that death he smelled life. The scent had led him straight to the storage closet, where Chrysta Belle sat crouched in terror.

     She was a sad picture then. Her hair had hung limp about her shoulders that were bare due to her only clothes being a dirty oversized shirt. She wore no shoes and shivered from cold, fear or both. She had looked up at Koriangelo with green eyes that stared from an entirely too thin face.

     She would have been an easy meal. However, something about her struck a cord in his dark heart. He bent down and scooped her up. She didn't even pitch up a struggle. She merely clung to his chest and continued to shiver violently. He covered her with his long trench coat and carried her through the disarray of bodies.

     She had another name then, but Koriangelo never thought to know it. He changed her that night and with the death of her human form, he gave her a new name, the name she is now known by. They would never speak of that night and he went on to care for her and provide for her.

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