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Short chapter ahead with a cliffhanger

BTS pov except j hope

BTS: y/n?!?!

BTS: LOHI?!?!??!?!?!

Jungkook: Lohi , are you okay ??? Why are holding a gun ???

Y/n: oppa jebal save me she is going to kill me ( bts pov except j-hope and suga: she was tied and she had blood in some places of her face and hands , it looked like someone had beated her so hardly )

Yoongi pov

Yoongi: y-y/n ( mumbles which everyone can hear cuz it was so silent there )

BTS pov except j-hope and suga

Jungkook: why are you saying 'y/n' while eyeing Lohi

Yoongi: n-nothing

Ace pov

Lohi: Ice cream, save me ( she wishpers which everyone hears )

Y/n: YAH you slut don't you dare call my oppa Ice cream with that fucking mouth of yours ( trying to be free from the ropes that had been tied )

Lohi: Ice cream , save me , I am your y/n , who left you 6 years ago ( she said that again without listening to that so called y/n, making an eye contact with him without any of those two breaking it )

Y/n: No!!!! She isn't, I am your y/n and you all know that too oppa please save me don't believe her , she could have kill me with that gun she has in her hands , she is just a obsessed fan of yours , oppa believe me !!!!!

Yoongi mind : What should I do , how can I know , who is my y/n , think , think , think-idea

Yoongi: I'll ask you both something if you answer it correctly then I am going to save the one who answered it correctly
Your question is: ' whom will you save when the whole world is going to end: us ( BTS ) or the whole world except us which includes your mom, dad and your family '

Y/n: I'll save you , you guys are the only one I love

Lohi: I'll choose the world , I'll save them

Y/n mind : ( smirk ) I didn't know you were that stupid , I thought you had 160 IQ , my Einstein friend , afterall you are a queen you'll save the people first ? Well don't worry you are going to die soon

Yoongi: now next I'll let you say something in my ears , you can say whatever you did like to say

With that he goes towards y/n and lean in to give her his ears

Y/n: please save me she is going to kill me p-please oppa believe me she is just a obsessed fan of yours

Yoongi: okay ( nods )

And then he goes near Lohi

Lohi: kill her with the gun that I gave to j-hope  and I am sure you did read that letter I gave you , only you

Yoongi looked at her in disbelief

Yoongi mind : j-hope be ready; j-hope: everything is ready ( yoongi heard in his mind )


BTS except Yoongi and j-hope: ahhhhhh!!!!!..................what in the world just happened

J-hope: nothing much, I just killed her

(Ace: who is that her y/n or Lohi??? Guess it and i am going to follow you )

Justtttt 600 words

I know it's too short but don't worry stay safe and keep waiting for the next chapter
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