Chapter 4

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Fundy laid back, looking up at the sky above. The ground was cool, and the morning dew was sticking to him, soaking into his clothes. He smiled, closing his eyes, letting the morning breeze pass by him. He enjoyed mornings like these. Especially when they didn't exist in the arctic.

His ears perked at the sound of footsteps approaching him. Fundy opened his eyes, looking to his left as the king sat next to him. He looked up at the king happily.

The king ran his fingers through Fundy's hair, resting his hand on the other's cheek. Fundy leaned into the touch, closing his eyes. The king moved away, resting back on his hands.

Fundy opened his eyes, sitting up and scooting closer to the king. He leaned forward, the king doing the same. Their lips brushed together for a moment. The prince closed his eyes, resting his hands on the king's chest. The king's hands rested on either side of Fundy's face, pulling him closer. The two were so close. So close to finally ki-

Fundy sat up, his breath catching in his throat a few times. He turned, looking at the open window across the room. He turned away, looking at the end of the bed. There, on the end of the bed, was a pile of clothes. He reached down, picking up the shirt.

He stared at it for a moment, trying to remember why it looked so familiar. His eyes widened, his heart pounding, his ears ringing. He stood from the bed, the blanket falling to the floor after him. He dropped the shirt back onto the bed, staring at it a moment longer.

Fundy shook his head. He reached up, unbuttoning his shirt. He let it fall to his elbow before stopping. He stared at himself in the mirror, taking in his features. He hadn't seen himself in a while. He pulled his shirt off, leaving it on the floor, and headed to the bathroom.

He stepped into the room, looking around at all the decor. He turned on the water, turning to lock the bathroom door. He waited another minute or two for the water to heat up before turning on the cold water. Fundy slipped out of the rest of his attire and stepped into the bath. He sighed, letting his head fall back while sinking further into the water.

He looked toward the small half window above the bath. The light shone through, being dimmer than it was in the arctic. He frowned, finally letting it sink in that he wasn't home. He was nowhere near home. Worst of all, he was a prisoner of war.


Dream had a meeting with the council earlier in the morning. He hadn't expected it to be longer than an hour. How wrong he was.

They had spoken of usual affairs. Then it changed to affairs about the prince. What was the point of him being in the kingdom? Why did you bring him here? Why didn't you just kill him? Why? Why? Why? Why!

Dream stopped moving, leaning against the wall. He closed his eyes, thinking about the first time he met the prince. He was so rude, yet the feeling that Dream had gotten off of him was so warm.

He smiled. The prince was here. The prince who had caught Dream off guard that night.

He stood up, opening his eyes and shaking his head. He may have found the prince locked away in a room, but that doesn't mean he wasn't an enemy. Dream stood to attention, turning to two guards passing by him.

"Make sure our guest can't escape the castle."

The two guards looked at each other and nodded, bowing to the king.

"Yes, your majesty." They walked away, most likely to the prin- prisoner's room.

Dream nodded and turned away. He walked back towards the conference room. Instead of going back inside, he walked past it and to the library. He needed to research the Antarctic Empire, or at least, more research.


Fundy finished tying his boots, standing up after. He sighed, walking over to the door and grabbing the handle, pulling on it.

The door didn't budge.

He pulled again, this time harder. Still wouldn't budge. He stepped back, staring at the door, analyzing it. He slammed his shoulder into it.

It still wouldn't budge.

Fundy fell back on the bed. He covered his eyes, trying to stop the frustration from seeping through. One moment he's in pure bliss, ready to stroll through his new home. The next, he's trapped in a room that didn't even feel like his.

He sniffed, rubbing his eyes, trying to stop the tears. He was trapped. Again.

Fundy jumped up, throwing himself against the door. He banged on it, screaming out for help, only for no answer.

He screamed out, not stopping his tears this time. Fundy slid down the door, laying against it and hitting it softer. He let out a sob.

"Please... let me out," he whispered, resting his head against the door.

No one did.

Fundy didn't know how long he'd been by that door; all he knew was the room, the room that had become his prison.

He sat up, looking to the window. Darkness. It was dark. It was night.

The prince stood up, stumbling towards the window. He opened it, leaning against the wall below it. Moonlight began filtering in, giving the room a glow of pure magic. Fundy looked up, trying to see out the window without moving from his spot. He wanted to see the moon, feel its touch.

He reached up, feeling for the moon, feeling for that magic the moon gave him. After a minute he began to weep.

"I can't feel you... Why can't I feel you...?"

Euphoria (Fundywastaken/Dundy)Where stories live. Discover now