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89*********78: Are you even real? I admit whatever I said was just to make you talk to me but that doesn't give you the right to judge me. Alright!

89***********78: You are no one to judge me and my struggles. What do you even know about my life and my past that you are passing your not so valuable comments on it.

89***********78:  You know what, it was my fault to even think of befriending you. What the hell was I even thinking at that time.

89***********78: Thanks for the eye opener and to make me realise that you are not worth my friendship.


Ahaan's POV

What does she even think of herself? How dare she associate me with some brat, Gosh! Even a mere thought of her was enough to rile me up.

I pushed her thought back and started focusing on my basketball practice. I groaned when I failed twice to make a goal.

I sighed heavily and sat on the opposite stairs of the basketball court of my university.

"Hey dude what's wrong?" I heard one of my friend saying.

"Nothing much Shivam." I whispered back looking at my friend.

"C'mon spit the truth now." Shivam murmured.

"Dude, what to say, even I don't understand why I am feeling so frustrated, I mean there is one person with whom I am texting these days, but she is too closed off, she never losens up a bit, she is always on the edge, I just wanted to be her friend and I admit that I ended up lying but she called me a brat and what not. You can't even imagine she started comparing me with other people." I whispered feeling tired.

"Listen bro we can't judge a book by it's cover similarly we also can't judge a person by his or her texts. Okay!" Shivam said while patting my shoulders.

"Seriously Shivam this is not helping at all." I said feeling more frustrated.

"Okay! Okay! Listen, she might appear rude or an introvert to you but what if she might have faced something traumatic or something unexpected in her life which had impacted her so deeply. So don't feel upset and for the time being forget about her, just focus on the basketball practice alright." Shivam said to which I nodded and made up my mind to forget about that stranger danger.


Hey Guys 🌼

•How was the Chapter?

•Finally Ahaan's POV is out there. So he is mad at Ishaani, what do you think will they continue to texts each other?

•Any thoughts on Shivam?

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