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"this is a big moment for you tina" my dance teacher told me before i was to go on stage and preform for the heads of Juilliards dance program, for a scholarship, "i know" i responded kinda nervous, "don't be nervous, you got this" "ok".

They called my name and I went out, "hi i'm athen wright and i'm here to try out for the scholarship to be in the dance program", they introduced themselves then told me to begin.

when i finished i was surprised that they started clapping, "thank you" i said trying to keep myself together, "wow ms. wright" "why contemp, here it says you dance in many other genres" "all of them in fact" one of the women cut in to say, "it tells a story, with movement and i like to tell stories, even if i don't know what i'm telling, others can interpuret whatever they like" i further explained.

they talked to me and told me they'll give me a call later on in the week. when i made it make home my brothers and sister, yes my mom got pregnant again by that man and yes he left again. She's 6, but they ran up to me. "so how'd it go" ty asked me "good, they told me they'll call me sometime this week to tell me if i got it or not" then yaz jumped on me

"sissy you go to dance school" "i don't know yet" she started frowning "oh...i hope you get in" "me too" we all talked for a while then ty had to leave. he doesn't live with us anymore because he's in college, he still stops by when he can but now i look over josh and yaz. they're 2 years apart, so they're pretty close like me and ty even though we're 4 years apart.

"ok so y'all have to come to work with me again" they ran to the bathroom, "tina tell yaz it's my turn to wash first" they do this everytime they have to go to work with me, which is everyday. "yaz." "ok ok sorry" i started the shower for him and he got in. as he was in there i picked out their outfits, when he got out yaz got in, when she got out i got in.

we only have one car in the family other than the one ty bought when he got to college. so some days i have the car and drop momma off at work and go on or she has it, today she has it so we gotta take the bus. thank god it's warm outside, i hate when ma has the car and it's cold, because they always get sick easy.

"ok y'all ready" i yelled from the front door "yes" they both said running from the room to the door. it took me about an hour to get there, but i made it. "ok go sit down", i work at a dance studio for my dance teacher, i teach the hip-pop class. i don't spend my pay checks because i don't know if i'll get the scholarship or not so i save up. i currently have over 60 grand saved up, and i want to pay it in full and that's 80 grand. so i'm way more than half way there.

i of course don't just work at the studio but it is what brings in the most money for me. i've been working since i was 12 and that's when i began saving up, so 12 to now which is 18, 6 years of saving up every pay check from every job, yeahhhhh you can do that math. i actually like working, even though i don't spend it like most kids my age but i know what i was saving up for so it made it even better.

i hope to get older and have my own dance studio and be able to give my momma money so she can quit at least one of her jobs and to help out my siblings after i'm gone. ty went to a school close by for the reason that he somehow knew i wasn't gonna go to a school near home.


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