The Beginning

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A beautiful stallion some people called me, a fighter, fearless , always needing to be the leader of the pack. But this was later on when my racing career had just taken off. So let me tell you my story from the beginning to now through my eyes, the eye of a horse, the eye of a champion.

I was born on a rain day of July 9, 1989. 7:15 in the morning my Dam "Ladybug" was licking me clean in stall 9 of the 40 stall barn. I was a promising son of " Black and White Tux" a true champion. I was born to run, to race, to be a winner. It was in my blood. When my mom and i had pasture time with all the other colts and filly, I would run around the edge of the fence and race them, be the leader, the winner, the one no one could catch. Feeling the wind in my mane, the grass under my hooves blurring past me, my hearts drive to win, to be a champion. The first time Mr. and Mrs. sanders layed eyes on me was when i was 10 months old and it was time to leave my mothers side and become a race horse. Mr. sander (Cody) call the owner of my dam and said " I heard you have a son of Black and White Tux and i would love to come take a look". I remember him pulling up in a black truck that had ( CLOVER STABLES) written on the side with a white 4 horse trailer attached behind. When Cody and his wife jumped out of the truck i new this is were it begins. So I pulled some tricks of the trade, running as fast as i could around the fence, my beautiful black coat with some patches of white glimmering in the afternoon sun, my legs moving in perfect rhythm with the beating of my heart, this was my chance for my life to be changed. " That's one nice lookin' colt you have there sturdy, well built, built like a champion", I heard Cody say so I stopped running and trotted up to the fence. My big brown eyes staring in to his, I needed him to know that I can run and I can win. Well it must have work because next thing i know is a deep chocolate brown leather halter is being slipped over my ear and I'm being lead away from my dam, I never thought it would be that hard to say good - bye but that's what i had to do if i wanted to be the leader. As i jumped up into the trailer i could her my mom calling, i told her it would be okay and i would see her again, but i knew that wasn't true.

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