chapter 1

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It was 1942, the height of the war, mid-summer. I elegantly walk down the street, smiling at all the people I walk past. I am upon the time in my life where I only have one thing in mind; a nice man to marry, bear children to and then have a successful life. My mother has always hated this idea since my father left her. The whole town was disgraced but little did she care, her idea of a good life was living alone, with 8 cats, 3 rats and 5 exotic birds (of all shapes and sizes).

Mother never loved me. Not truly. She had always brought me up, judging me and making rude remarks. But that is in the past. She doesn't even know where I live! 

I lean on a door until it opens and look around my place of employment, a bits and bobs shop called ‘the fine lady’. Why not the fine man? Can men not be fine? I think they are, so are many women! Especially my friends. Something my teacher, Miss Shail taught me was to befriend only the finest of ladys.

“Why hello, maggie!” I hear a kind, gentle name call out, distantly. I smile, knowing who it is. Mary Walker, my friend and boss at the fine lady. "Why hello to your tooMary!" I say in a polite voice, tipping my hat to her. She smiles, "Maggie dear, Linda has decided to take the day off. I was wondering if you'd be so kind as to fill in for her?". This wasn't the first time Linda had asked to be off, I am constantly filling in for her. Quite honestly I'd rather take the night off to go to a club to find a nice gentleman but, hey ho, not everything goes your way all the time! "Of course, Mary! I'd be happy to! ", I make a bee-line to the back of my desk, I know that it will be another boring day, with very boring characters. 

"Margaret dearest, I can trust you to tend to the shop for a while?", Mary asks.

"Of course Mary! Dare I ask where you're going to be?" I respond, which she taps her nose to and twirls out of the door beautifully. Mary has always had some sort of shine to her, whatever she does it seems to be amazing.

That day was boring, as I had expected. A few children came on and brought toys and boiled sweets, a handful of sweaty and loud teenagers had brought comics and teen magazines. I stretch my arms whilst the shop is empty and pull out a book, the hobbit. What a curious name! I start flicking through the pages but the words confuse me so I put it down and lean on my elbows, sighing. The time is currently 1:00 pm, my lunch break! Finally, I'm starving! I clench my stomach dramatically and sigh. “Whew! I'm ravenous!”I go to fetch my bag from the back room and hear the door open. Wow! Of course, just my luck!

I make my way back to the counter and put on a fake smile, my eyes widen as I see the man in front of me, he's smiling broadly and his hat is tipped to one side. Some sort of army hat, i'm not very knowledgeable on the army but it's greenish. I smile back at him and say in my nicest voice, as mary taught me, “hello sir, how may i help you today? ”. He grins “well, i've been meaning to get my buddy, Steve, a present. But I don't know what he'd like, what would you suggest?”. I've no clue! I look around the room, desperately and spot a cute shirt and say, “I've heard that shirts like that, ” I point at the shirt, “are very trendy with men right now!”. What on earth am I blabbing on about?! He smiles and picks up the shirt and a bunch of roses and pays for his items. He pulls out a wad of cash and waves it, then sorts through it. He hands me the right amount of change and then hands it to me, his hand brushing against mine. He hands me the roses and announces, slightly proudly, “these are for you! You've been such a help today that I simply must. ”, I grin and take the flowers, purposely whisp my hand against his. He said goodbye to me and left. 

It's The end of the day so I close the shop and when I do I scream for joy, "AHHHHH! I held a proper conversation with a man and he gave me flowers! HE GAVE ME GOD DAMNED FLOWERS!", i pick up the roses, inhaling their beautiful perfume.  I don't even know his name. Shoot! How am I meant to find him now? Silly goose! Oh well! There's plenty of fish in the sea, I believe…

I stumble out of the shop, my bag slung over my shoulder, and the bunch of flowers in my hand. I slowly strolled home, admiring the city view.  The city I live in has the most glamorous shops. I pass the still open perfume shop and admire the women in there who look like living dolls. They have since I was a young child, I'd walk past quite with my friend Peggy, who like many (but not many women) had gone to the army. Oh! Like the lovely man I saw at the shop today!

I approach my apartment and turn the key in the lock and enter. I light some candles which toss light around the room. I sigh and throw my bag off my shoulder, onto the floor. I put my pleasant roses in a carafe of water and put it in my bedroom. I pull my stockings and bra off and switch on the radio, once upon a time starts playing and I dance to myself, pretending the handsome man is with me. I remember his features; his sharp jaw, wide smile, brown eyes. I laugh and then walk back outside, barefoot to go find him. I'm crazy, and I do not care one bit-! I feel a stab in my neck and I fall to the floor, my vision going blurry…

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