I hate you

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POV:I stay silent for a minute not knowing what to say luckily cat said let's watch demon slayer
While we're watching the show I kept thinking about Adrian I want him to die I don't know I hope he gets hit with something I don't know I'm just mad where I can't focus on the show we are watching

Mom:guys the pizza is here

POV:we turn off the tv and head down stairs while we were eating I kinda forgot about Adrian but we were never a thing so....

A day later

POV:I've been ignoring Adrian but it seems he doesn't care in the morning I saw him with this other girl but I didn't say nothing why would I

Adrian Radom friend:hey Nina

Me:hi uhhh

Levi:my name is Levi

Me:Levi it's nice to meet you ,you are one of Adrians friends right?

Levi:yep we meant at the fair

Me:yea you didn't talk much

Levi:sorry let's say I get scared to meet new people

Me:I'm the same I guess

Levi:I like your outfit it looks cute


Levi:well I have to go but see you later Nina

Me:yeah see you

POV:while I'm walking to my class I see Adrian he stairs at me for 3 seconds in sadness tho.I hate him I hate his smile his laugh his handsome face
I can tell he was about to walk to me but then this girl came and hugged him and pulled his arm

Mind:where are they going never mind I don't care

POV:I walk in class to see cat and Alex

Alex:hey Nina come sit with us

Me:alright I'm coming

POV:then someone pulled my arm but who

Levi:oh sorry if I scared you

Me:you have this class to?


Me:uhh so what happened

Levi:I have no friends here so can you sit with me?

POV:I look at Alex and cat they both nod there head with a smile

Me:yea sure why not

POV:we both sit at a table then a boy came

Radom person:hey you mind if I can talk to Nina

Mind:why does he look mad

Levi:leave Harry no one wants you here

Harry:why is that do you think I will do it again

—————————————Levi point of view——
POV:as soon as I heard his voice I knew who it was the madness to see his ugly face again just made want to punch him

Mind:why does Harry have to be here the last time he asked to talk to a girl I liked they started dating he even did it to my girlfriend but not just one but everytime I got one he always made them cheat on me with him than leave them as soon as we break up

Me:leave Harry

Mind:I look at Nina and she looked shocked

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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