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Morning doesn't just mean the rise of sun and the beginning of new day for yoongi but also an opportunity to see jin again. This thought made yoongi happy everyday but today he was even happier and the reason was he could spend whole day with the older.

He sucked a deep breath and opened the cafe door and today not just one but almost a dozen head turned towards yoongi, making him feel happy and nervous at the same time. Being an idol yoongi was always criticized for his Enochlophobia but that doesn't change the fact that he can't stand those ogling eyes.

Yoongi pulled his cap slightly down and face mask upwards making almost his face disappear and made his way towards the barista who was too busy today to notice yoongi being there. He stood in front of the counter finally getting the attention of older.

"Ah, yoongi-ah you're here finally" jin said confused with the extra cover yoongi had on his face. Yoongi nodded with a nervous chuckle.

"a large coffe-" before yoongi could complete, jin said "without sugar and cream" with a hysterical laugh and yoongi nodded silently agreeing to the asker.

"here" jin said placing the cup on the counter and yoongi picked it up scanning the cafe to find the least crowded spot before slowly moving.

Yes it was a little busy today but that doesn't mean how the little boy's hand was trembling while holding the coffee, or how his eyes were so restlessly nervous or his sweaty palms wiping them on his shirt again and again.

"yoongi!" jin called quickly and before he could even blink yoongi was standing in front if him waiting for him to speak.

"you told me I could rely on you, right?" jin asked with a admiring smile as the younger nodded vigorously.

"so...? Is that offer valid for physical help? I mean, I am less in hands. Could you lend me yours?" jin asked and the next moment yoongi was transfered from front to behind the counter.

"of course hyung! You can ask me anything!" he said enthusiastically and yoongi looked at him with a proud smile.

"get me more cups from the store room please" he said giving yoongi the keys, pointing towards a room and younger ran towards the room.

And the day went well with jin happily serving people and yoongi helping him with small things but starting at him for the most time as he worked. They were together all day laughing, chatting and even playing around, anyone who doesn't know less could mistake them to be friends or even boyfriends which got them some weird glances too but who had the time to pay attention to those stingy people when they could talk with their crush.

"all done! " jin announced changing the open sign to closed and sat beside yoongi who removed his mask and cap with a relieved sigh.

"thete were really so many people today hyung" yoongi wondered and jin replied with a 'told you'.

" hyung! You know how to bake cupcake?! "yoongi asked suddenly after thinking something.

" yes, why? "jin asked.

" can you teach me too?! "yoongi requested.

" and who you want to bake a cake for? "jin teased with a raised eyebrow and Yoongi's cheeks soon turned red as if they were ready bleed if someone poke them.

" someone? " yoongi said softly.

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-MOON CAFÉ - ÿøøn.jīn✔Where stories live. Discover now