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Is was morning in Adventure Bay.

It has been two months since Ella & Tuck joined the Paw Patrol.

"Good morning everyone!."

Ryder said.

"Are those treats I smell?"
Rubble stood to his paws.

Rubble zoomed by.

"Good morning Rocky, Rocky, Rocky wake up!"
Tundra tapped Rocky's shoulder.

"Ah-wha-ah ha?"
Rocky woke up, looking around the room. Seeing the pups walk to the main room.

"Oh hey! Wait for me!"

Rocky sprung to his paws and ran, before tripping over paper and running once again.

"Good morning Marshall Jr."
Tundra teased.


Rocky frowned before leaping upon Tundra pinning her to the floor, tumbling, bitting her neck than, Tundra got from underneath him and made a run for it.

The two giggled as they sprinted across the lookout.

"Oh I just love lunch!"
Rubble claimed.

"We know, you love treats, those are your favorite things to eat, you eat it everyday."
Skye responded.

"Heh! You're right! I do love treats and I eat them everyday!"

Rubble admitted.

Than someone had came through the door.

It was a pup, Much seemed to realize them.


Skye ran towards her.

"Wait- Everest is here!? Hey wait for me!!!."
Marshall rushed to the door.

The boys looked at each other, smirking now that Marshall wasn't around to notice.

"Oh Marshall definitely likes Everest."

Everest entered the room.

"Wait- What?"


"Oh uhhh.... sure we can, Skye wanna come with us?"

Skye thought for a second.

"Mmm...Nah! I'm gonna hang with Chase and the others, have fun with Marshall."

"Oh okay...bye Skye!"

The door closed.

"Everything is going according to plan"
Skye stated.

Said Chase, giving Skye a high-paw.

Ella ate her lunch and sat separate from the others.

"What do you think Zuma? Do you think Marshall and Everest match?"


Zuma was too busy looking at Ella.

He looked nowhere else but in her direction.

Rocky looked at Zuma's tail, it was wagging.

His eyes were also pointing in one direction.

Rocky looked an his eyes and saw the reflection of Ella's side, eating her food.

"Oh I see what's going on, he's looking at Ella."
Rocky stated.

"Here we go again."
Skye rolled her eyes with a smile on her face.

"Oh so Zuma likes a pup doesn't he?."

"it's Ella!!."

Ella turned to the table where the others sat.

"Huh? Did someone say my name?"
Ella was confused.

That yell had put Zuma out of his trance.

"Zuma...are you okay?"

Ella asked him, getting out of her chair walking towards him.

"Oh..Yes! I'm f-fine!"
Zuma was quick to answer her question.

💭"I hope Zuma's okay, I wonder why he's acting like this, he's always messing up around me, it's strange I wonder what's wrong with it." 💭

Ella thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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