Violet Moon Call

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Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria

Ground Grey Street

2:28 AM

Opening Time: 9:00 AM

Night Security Breach: Limited On

Camera closing time: 8:00 AM

Date: March 19

For a while till the burning, Foxy spent being wooden down by a tossed old table that "was said" to be thrown away from chips being harmful to customers. Freddy took the special timing of the first two hours to slam his harsh fist towards Foxy just to manage a few splinters into the fox's almost no red fur. Foxy couldn't scream or cry any longer and only yelled for him to stop and save himself before the guards came and brought him to the deaths of the scrapyard, the same one he wanted to direct Foxy into. But as much as the bear didn't care, he wanted Foxy to suffer more tonight after Tyhirah's visit. He did all the routinely hits and punches but with a double strength opportunity with the table being a huge weight for him and a Death Star for Foxy's low health. All Foxy could do was lay there and take it. He was never a fighter, despite being a pirate fox and Captain of his own stage, he couldn't have the heart to give Freddy not even a scar as he was have his own grave if someone happened with assault. He deeply cared about the company and didn't want to be a monster to anyone than those who already saw him as something that shouldn't be breathing. The fazbear kicked the fox with all the power in his legs around the stage and even separating one of the table leg pieces apart for a better jab tool on the poor fox. Foxy almost past our cold on the wooden floors as all he could do is stand up to keep in the kicks of the strong bear. He kept screaming at him to get up just to get him back down again until he was really out cold. It was a rare occasion that wood would be used on Foxy because of evidence of the secret would be revealed to someone with curiosity lurking in their minds. People were already angry that Foxy was gone, they didn't need to know more than what the purple curtains covered up from the inside out. Foxy's limp body was cut short of air after a few hits and kicks from the wood's small shards creeping into his fur, soon his skin, as Freddy finally was too tired to be angry anymore with his bullsh**. He quickly went into the men's restroom to wash out any possible wooden pieces in his palms and fingers before a possible infection awaits for him by the front door. Freddy could overhear the thunder from a fair distance, a smile trying to form on his face. He was a thunderstorm fan and knowing well of how much there would be based on the thunder it provided from the skies of night or day. However, Foxy being the opposite gave him a good night off and let the thunder do it's thing with him instead, mental, it's better than physical Golden Freddy always said. Mind over body. He can't say he isn't wrong because that phrase is right with almost every organism in existence with limps and breathing cycle. It's how the plan was originated for themselves to keep stable.

Foxy's ears twitch to the sound of the pouring rain now coming down hard on the roof and shivers we're running down throughout his bloodstream faster than a Six Flags rollar coaster. He was terrified of thunderstorms and only prayed for God to help save him and let the booms of light clashing together subside towards the horizon somewhere past his location. But despite his fear, he didn't open his mouth to cry for help and even wrap his snout with the bed blanket he had, just as the others had done to him in his first years after the bite. Foxy'd shut his eyes tight and try to massage out his pure fluff tail and it only calmed him down till a flicker of the lights almost go out to make him triggered enough to cry out for someone to come save him. The lightning is almost just as bad from its random flashes to make the fox jump and run into a dark space under something that wasn't as broken as some things in his wore down cove. It reminded him of how much he saw lights in his eyes every time he was beaten down to a point of actually seeing something in the air that nobody else could see. It was like those tiny little bright dots in the sky when nightfall occurred and the moon was either full, gone, half, or crescent. But they were bigger to him and all it reminded him of were Golden Freddy's pale pupils staring into his and the torment of his words would burn his brain and make him feel like scream for eternity. Sometimes those words would appear through dreams and throughout the happiest memories the flashes would switch to different times of reality from each punch. It made his hurt so much that he can't get used to without having flashes burning his head. He just wishes for it to go away.

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