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TW: Night terror, mentions of child abuse

Tsukishima woke up that morning at around 9:00. He stood up slowly and made towards the door, pausing when he noticed it was already opened. He looked back at the bed and saw that Hito wasn't curled up in bed, causing a slight panic to rush through him. He walked to the bathroom and sighed worriedly at the sight before him.

Hito was on his side, against the cold tile, with a red towel wrapped around his upper body and head. Hito shifted, moving the towel from his eyes. He flinched slightly at the harsh light before dragging the towel over his head more insistently. Tsukishima let out a deep breath slowly before leaning down and starting to pick Hito up. This causes Hito to stir and immediately start heaving again. Hito jolts up and leans over the toilet, more tears coming to his eyes.

"Hito, try to breathe, okay? You're going to get better okay, we just need to get through this."

HIto let out a small sob as his over-exerted body wrecked itself in an attempt to get rid of the awful feeling. Tsukishima rubbed circles on Hito's back and spoke softly, trying to sooth the poor boy in any way possible.


"No, it's Shima, not Tarō. You're going to be okay, just breathe. It'll be over soon, I promise."

Hito started crying harder, blearily reaching a hand out for Tsukishima. Shima immediately took the hand and squeezed it back, running his thumb over the back of it for comfort.

"H-Head hurts. Shima, don't... don't..."

"I'm not going to leave you. I'm right here. We can get food and medicine later okay?"

"No food!" Hito was panicking now, getting louder and more frightened at the prospect of being made to eat.

"Hey, hey, just breathe. You don't have to eat right now, okay, just breathe." Tsukishima started to mildly panic when Hito started to yell. "No one's gonna make you eat when you're heaving like this."

Hito was still breathing quickly, but the fear in his eyes went down. Tsukishima pulled Hito to face him before starting to take deep breaths.

"In... Out... In... Out..." Shima continued to breathe with Hito, even after Hito had caught his breath. "Good, good, just breathe with me. Do you want to go back to the room?"

Hito nodded before moving his head towards the toilet.

"We have a bucket you can use, okay?"

Hito nodded more tiredly before making half-hearted grabby hands at Tsukishima. Tsukishima smiled softly while picking Hito up, towel and all.

Hito was trembling with chills and involuntary shaking as Shima picked him up bridal style. He buried his face into Tsukishima's chest, weakly moaning and whimpering. Tsukishima felt worry and... pain, maybe, pull in his chest for reasons he didn't understand.

I know I care about Hito, but why does it hurt so much to see him in so much pain himself? He's going to be okay, I have no reason to hurt, so...

Tsukishima couldn't find a straight answer, instead opting to turn his attention back on the half-asleep child in his arms. He set him down on the bed and went to walk away before hearing a noise of distress.

"No! Don't go, please!"

"Hito, it's okay. I have to go get the bucket for you, okay? Just lay down on the pillows and I'll be back soon, okay?"

"Will you... would you hold me when you get back? You don't have to but..." Hito asked almost silently, voice raw and body exhausted.

"Of course I will."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2021 ⏰

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