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We walk through the new passage and down a small set of stairs before entering... the second library I've seen today. Although smaller than the first one I came upon, it's arguably better. It seems more cozy, with bean bag chairs lining the floor next to a set of chairs and tables. The lighting gives off a certain feeling that makes me feel at home, and I can't help but love this room.

We're guided to the center of the room and sit around one of the round tables, along with the Head Boy.

"Let me first apologize for being rather strict earlier, the older students are always impossible to organize."

After some polite laughter and mumbled acceptances, he continues. "My name is Peter, and I'm the Head Boy of Ravenclaw this year, as some of you may have already deduced."

Silently congratulating myself on already figuring this out, I listen intently to what Peter has to say, eager to learn more about our situation.

"First of all, I'd like to congratulate you all on being sorted into Ravenclaw! While I may be biased, as you all will be soon enough, it is certainly the best house."

A smile appears on my face, along with many of my peers. Peter's personality seems too big for his body. He seems to be an eccentric person, albeit somewhat reserved in large group settings.

"Being sorted into Ravenclaw means you are resourceful, wise, and eager to learn. While we are the considered the smartest house it is not only brains that we have. The most creative, artistic people are also sorted into Hogwarts, including writers, painters, musicians, and more. So if you don't feel you belong here," Peter says, gesturing to the room we're in. "Don't fret and please, don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it. Everyone here will be happy to help, and if you have any issues feel free to come to me or Isla, the Head Girl."

"With that being said," he continues, clapping his hands and pulling a piece of paper out of thin air. "We have room assignments next."

I widen my eyes at his use of magic, subtly looking to see if any of my peers had the same reaction. I immediately make eye contact with a pale, thin girl sitting across from me. Her hair is tied back with a white bandana, her bangs obscuring much of her view. Both unaccustomed to the use of magic, we share a knowing smile before turning our attention back to Peter.

-------Mia, Amelia, Olivia, Lily (muggle born), Adam, Lucas, Benji-------

"Alright, so there are seven of you: three boys and four girls," Peter begins. "The three boys, Adam, Lucas, and Benji, will share the very first room when you walk up the boys' steps."

The boys share a glance, seeming a little worried. Three to a room?

"Don't worry, the dorms are pretty big, and it's common for the first years to live in bigger groups," Peter tells the boys, causing Benji to high-five Lucas.

With a smile, he continues. "Amelia and Olivia, you'll share the first dorm on the girls' side, and Mia and Lily, you'll have the second."

Amelia and I share a slightly disappointed look, knowing we wouldn't be in the same room. While I'm a little nervous to share a room with someone I haven't met, Lily seems like a nice person. She was also surprised at Peter's use of magic along with me, giving us something to speak about.

"Alright, with that being said, Lily and Mia please stay back, the rest of you may go get settled for the night. You have a big day tomorrow. You're Head Boy or Girl will be around with your schedule soon."

I immediately look to Lily, her expression as surprised as mine.

"Don't worry, girls. I just wanted to speak to the two of you since you both come from muggle families."

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