Bio: Yuri Tenshi

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Name: Yuri Tenshi

Alias: Prodigy

Age: 17

Height: 5' 11"


Personality: Yuri's personality can be described as cold and calculated, often showing no fear in every situation and analyzing them to the fullest extent in order to carry out his missions with deadly precision and accuracy

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Personality: Yuri's personality can be described as cold and calculated, often showing no fear in every situation and analyzing them to the fullest extent in order to carry out his missions with deadly precision and accuracy. Around his colleagues, he maintains a professional demeanor, hardly knowing the meaning of relax or relief.   

Despite this, Yuri holds no hesitation or remorse in taking human lives as a member of the Threat Suppression Force. Against his enemies, his cold persona becomes mixed with killing intent and lack of emotions, showing no sympathy towards them and even resorting to the use of torture to gain the information his organization needs.

When it comes to the concept of Heroes and Villains, Yuri notably displays a lack of care for the concept, believing it to the cause of the creation of a black and white world. Regardless of whether or not his target is a villain or hero, his demeanor remains the same.

On the rare occasions he does show emotion, it is often towards his partner, Izumi Midoriya. Towards her, he displays a calm and caring behavior towards her, yet still remains professional.

Family: Unknown Mother (deceased), Unknown Father (deceased)

Likes: Unknown

Dislikes: Current Society, Concept of Heroes and Villains, Nuisances, Annoyances

TSF Rank: Septentrion Fourth Class (Leader of the Tenshi Platoon)


Overall Abilities: Despite his age, Yuri is easily one of the strongest when it comes to other people his age group in Japan. With the TSF's extreme training, he easily reached that strength in just a mere six years, and it is assumed that he will only get significantly stronger from there.

SAS (Struggle Arms System): Yuri has the innate ability to establish a brain-to-brain connection with his teammates via virtual cable, allowing him to borrow the use of their psionic powers.

Guns Mastery: He holds mastery over all firearms.

Sniping Skill: While inferior compared to Lady Nagant, Yuri's sniping skills are not to be trifled with. He can easily hit a target from over a kilometer away without a need of a scope.

Enhanced Eyesight: His sight is unaffected by darkness or weather conditions, further boosting his combat capabilities.

Elemental Mastery: His ability to control elements and master them allows him to pull off some unique combinations.

Superhuman Prowess: Yuri possesses far more strength, speed and intelligence than many other humans, even surpassing that of those who possess quirks specific to those abilities (exception of Nezu, of course).

Psionic Power:

Chronokinesis: The ability to manipulate time around him. This includes, slowing down, speeding up, reversing, even freezing time.

Weapon: Dual Photon Pistols

Love Interest: Izumi Midoriya

Love Interest: Izumi Midoriya

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