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you ok?
need company?

actually yeah company would be great
if you're not too busy

never too busy for you helena

Harry tentatively knocked on the door of Helena's room, worried that the Gaffer would stumble across him. Helena opened the door and let him in. As she leant back against the door and looked at Harry, she was sure she was going to cry. She didn't know why, but she felt the tears pooling in her eyes. Harry took one look at her and pulled her into his arms. He held her as she cried, pressing gentle kisses into her hairline. He didn't let go until the tears had stopped and he'd seen a smile from her. They sat down on the little sofa in Helena's hotel room and put some rubbish on the telly, Harry still not taking his arms from around Helena. She seemed happy and safe there, and to Harry, it looked right for her to be there. 

place and time (h. maguire)Where stories live. Discover now