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-no ones pov-

Its 3 months before the school year ends. Everyone is just living life and trying to keep their grades up. Its hard for some than the other side its really easy.

Sero is having a hard time focusing so his grades are kinda low. Todoroki has been helping him with homework and studying.

Everyone is in the common room just talking about life.

-seros pov-

"Guys! Did yall see that guy in class 1-c??!" Denki waves his hand in the air smiling brightly.

"Shinso?" Mina raises an eyebrow.

"I uh i think.." he rubs his chin, "YEAH HIM!"

Everyone chuckles.

"What about him denks?" Kirishima gives that face.

"Hes really cool 'n shit?" Denki rubs his back hairs.

"Alright so you gots a crush?" Mina bounces in excitement.

"Mmmm yeah." Denki smiles.

"Ask him out." Tokoyami says.

"BITCH HOW?" denki huffs.

"I can make a desert for him?" Sato speaks up.

"Just tell the loser you like him and ask to go to the fucking movies?!" Bakugou yells.

"He'd-" i get cut off, i feel like an idiot now.

"Yeah! The movie that came out that has really good veiws!" Midoriya says obviously very happy.

Roki being right next to me looked at me. I turn my head towards him.

"Wanna go to the cafè with me?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Of course!" I smile standing up. He stands after me and we walk to my room.

We grab out boards and he grabs his wallet from his room. We get out the dorms making sure we have our id to get back in. We start to ride to the cafè.

"So how are you?" I look over at the shorter boy.

I dont get a response. I frown and look back forward. I push to go faster and so does roki.


Soon we get there, i kick up my board shoving it behind a bush so no one takes it. So does roki. We walk in immediately greeted by the purple hair dude at the cashier.

I waddle up to the rather handsome dude with a smile followed by todoroki.

"Hey, nice to see you again! What would you like today?" The boy smiles.

"Nice to see you too, i would like a Carmel cappuccino." I chuckle running mybhands through my hair."... Oh please, can you make it a little sweeter than last time?"

"Yep?" He smiles brightly, "What you you like sir?"

He looks at roki, "id like a black coffee."

"Okie." He nods writing it down on the pad.

I walk a little to the side but no one but us and the cashier is here. I pull out my wallet grabbing the money to pay and handing it to the purple haired boy.

He smiles at me and takes it.

"Hey, whats your name?" I raise an eyebrow at the boy.

"Erebus, you?" He rests his hands on the counter.

"I love that name, mines sero. Sero hanta." I smile.

"Your name is nice too!" I look over at todoroki, hes on his phone.

I turn my head back towards Erebus, he has his contacts open for me to put my number in it. I smile more and take it quikly tapping my number in.

I send myself a text and hand it back. He edits it to put my name in it. Ill check my phone later.

He goes to the back and makes the drinks. I just get lost in my thoughts. Before i could get to deep he comes back sliding the two drinks on the counter.

Todoroki and i grab our drinks and leave. I wave to Erebus getting a soft smile back.


We get back and todoroki gets a hello but i dont. I think nothing of it. I walk to my dorm. I put my board away and my drink on the coffee table dead center of my room.

I throw myself onto my bed pulling phone out.

662 words.

It'll get better i swear to god.

"..sero?" seroroki Where stories live. Discover now