Their Life Is A Remote Control

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Anika,Sal,Josephina and Oliver Wilston are the four children of an American  Impostor "Ludric Edricason”.. This American man committed a felony or miscellaneous offence and brought shame to his country.. He tried to imitate his best friend who  was better off without him...“Imitation ' as his friend said was ‘the key to success”.. Who knew taking an advice from a criminal could make you look good at first...
Although taking advice from his friend who was thought to be far more eloquent than him made him look good, it landed him were in the prison yard of late George Washington.. His children who knew not we're their father was, lived a haggard live as though they were 6.5( an American code language used to refer people as rich)..
This young children copied the teens of present day Nigerian i.e dressing all rugged. Those freaks who look at themselves in the mirror and say they are fashionable, influencing the world to be like them are being controlled by the evil spirits themselves..
Those good children turned to bad, the bad turned to worse and the worse turned to their death all based on the negativity of the world..
What doesn't suit you doesn't suit you...Never ever be pushed to do what you know that doesn't suit you...
Those people you see doing those evil deeds their life is based on what people think about them and they aren't even happy with it.....

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