Chapter 1

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Hi my name is Nia Wyatt I'm 34 years old and I have a brother his name is Bray Wyatt and he is the best brother ever he's my bestfriend and I get along with Erick Rowan and Luke Harper they treat me like I'm their sister as well and I've always been there for Bray no matter what even through his dark times it's like I'm the only one that can calm him down and he's real overprotective over me and I'm okay with that and Erick Rowan and Luke Harper are also overprotective over me as well and I'm also fine with that but they are wrestler and I'm not but Bray always try to get me to join wrestling but I always say no I'm not good at it and I'm a underground fighter and I have my nose pierced my tongue pierced my nipples pierced and I have my eyebrow pierced and I have a lot of tattoos and I have a very bad temper

Bray Wyatt pov hello my name is Bray Wyatt I'm 34 years old and I have a sister her name is Nia and she is my everything and she has been there for me even in my darks times she haven't left my side she was right there and Erick Rowan and Luke Harper treat her like a sister as well and I am very overprotective over her and so is Erick Rowan and Luke Harper but we are wrestlers and I've been trying to get Nia to come wrestle with us but she keeps saying she's not good and she's an underground fighter and I've seen her fight and she is pretty damn good at it and she's my twin sister at that and she has a bit of a temper but she does come to the arena and watch me Erick Rowan and Luke Harper and she cheers us on backstage and she is my bestfriend even though she's my sister but she gets me and it's like when I get mad she calms me down and I'm so glad she's by my side

Nia pov as I got up I felt pain in my leg then I say fuck me then heard someone say I'm pretty sure yelling fuck me isn't gonna make the pain go away then I looked up and saw it was Luke then I say fuck off dude then Luke had laugh then I say what do you want anyway dude then Luke say you're brother said your coming with us to the arena today so get up and get ready and stop saying fuck me then I had throw a pillow at me and he cought it then Luke say pillows are made for beds not for throwing young lady then I had laugh then I say get out then Luke had left my room then I had got up and went to take a shower then I had wash my body real good then I had wash my hair then I had got out of the shower and dry off and put on my underwear and bra then I walked out of the bathroom and went to my closet and look through my closet and got dress (picture on top) then I had put my shoes on and went downstairs leaving my hair wet then Erick say how your leg feeling then I say fine I guess could have been worse then Luke say why don't you just join WWE then I say cause I'm not good enough for that then Bray say are you kidding me Nia I've seen you fight guys in that underground fighting you do and you beaten everyone there then I say well Hunter did ask me to sgin a contract to join WWE then Bray say you're signing that contract toady even if I got to make you sgin it then I say fine I'll sgin it then Luke say about time then I say if I'm joining WWE than I'm using your moves then Bray say I don't care then we had left the house and went to the arena then we had got out of the car then I had jumped on Luke back then Luke say seriously then I say what it's fun then we had walked into the arena

Roman pov as I was talking to Seth and Dean I saw Bray Wyatt Luke Harper and Erick Rowan and a girl was on Luke Harper back and she was beautiful then I say who is that with the Wyatt Family then Seth say that's Bray Wyatt twin sister Nia and they don't play when it comes down to her then Dean say she's an underground fighter and she's pretty damn good at it but she got injured then I say does she have a boyfriend then Seth say we don't know cause we never get close to her cause Bray Wyatt or Luke Harper or Erick Rowan always be around her then I say I'm gonna talk to her then Seth say dude I wouldn't do that if I were you then I say why not then Seth say dude Bray Wyatt Erick Rowan and Luke Harper are super overprotective over her man then I had saw the girl got off of Luke back then Bray say where you going then the girl say to find Hunder office then Bray say I'll be in my locker room with Luke and Erick then the girl say okay then she had walked passed us then Seth say Roman don't do it man Bray Wyatt will kill you then I say I'm not scared of Bray Wyatt then I had walked away then Dean and Seth say good luck

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2022 ⏰

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