All I Need is You

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It was the morning of the wedding. They were getting married around 7 pm meaning they had the whole day to get ready.

Maya, however, was up at her usual 5 am. She had a sick, anxious knot sitting in her stomach, though none of it was because of the wedding. No, she was beyond ready to marry the woman who was sleeping next to her in bed.

The feeling in her stomach was because she had her hearing that morning to discuss the disciplinary actions she would face because of her decision to use their engine to save a boy's life instead of waiting for an aid car and letting an 8-year-old die.

The little boy was recovering in Grey Sloan's burn unit, and Maya had been told by Owen Hunt that if they had waited even 5 more minutes, Zaza would not have had a chance. They still didn't know if the boy would survive because of the extensive burns, but he had done well so far so everyone was cautiously optimistic.

Maya would do what she did again in a heartbeat, but today, she had to go face whatever discipline she was going to get. She hadn't told anyone, even Carina, that she had the hearing this morning, not wanting to do anything to dampen the mood of the wedding.

Also, her fiancé had only been out of her two-week quarantining for 48 hours, meaning they had done a lot of catching up over the past two days though none of it involved talking because that was all they had been able to do for the last 6 weeks.

Her meeting with the fire chief was at 8 am, but she decided to go for a run before. She had left her dress blues in her office the day before, planning on going for a run, going to the station to get a quick upper body workout in at the gym, and then showering and going to headquarters. She was going to ride her bike to the station before her run this morning, so she had a way to get to headquarters, planning on changing into her formal uniform once she was there.

She had gone over and over her plan in her head the night before as she tossed and turned, trying to sleep. She had maybe slept an hour because of her nerves, but she was pretty sure her adrenaline and excitement would keep her going for the entire day.

She quietly got out of bed, pulling on her running gear before going into the kitchen. She wrote a note for Carina before grabbing her bike and helmet, heading out the door. The ride to 19 was fast and she quietly entered the station, putting her bike in her office before heading out for her run.

By 7 am, Maya had managed to run 10 miles and finish her workout in the gym. She checked her phone, making sure Carina hadn't texted her yet, before going to get in the shower. She sighed as she washed her hair, trying to calm her nerves.

She was worried about what was going to happen with her meeting with the Chief. She knew from him that Robert and Andy had met with him the day before, though he would not tell her what they had said. She just hoped they were honest, that they had spoken the truth, and did what they felt was right. Obviously, she hoped they had had her back because she had had theirs so many times in the past, but as long as they were honest, she was willing to make peace with whatever they said. She tried to push it out of her mind as she continued with her shower.

Once she was done, she went back down to her office, going into her bunk to dry her hair. She sighed as she got herself ready, grabbing her dress uniform and carefully folding it into her backpack.

She checked her phone, seeing Carina had texted her. They had agreed to meet at the hospital at 10 am because Carina wanted to go to the chapel there, to light candles for her mom and brother before the wedding. She had said she could do it alone, but Maya had told her she would join her, if the Italian wanted which of course she did. Maya had agreed to this before she knew she would have an important meeting with the chief, but she was determined to both be there for her future wife and take care of this disciplinary meeting so that she could just have the next week off that they had both agreed to take for an at home honeymoon.

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