He is short tempered but very calculated.He is the head of veer lok. He is one of the most powerful being.He is an immortal.His real form is of white tiger.He is the guide of baalveer and vivan.
He is one of the most powerful person in this world. He is very calm and matured. He is the most childish person for his loved one. He rarely becomes angry and when he gets angry only shaurya can handle him. Everyone is scared of his angry face. He has a crush on his long lost childhood friend.
He is senior baalveer. He is partner of vivan. He is very calm and calculated person. He never becomes angry. He love to irritate ananya. He is very careful about his loved ones.
Our Journey To Dwapar
Bí ẩn / Giật gânThis world runs with both good and bad in equality _______________________________________________ But what will happen if bad overpowers good?? The whole world will lose its balance. ____________________________________________________ Their last...