I went home an hour later after gossiping with Bella about her wedding, she didn’t seemed too fussed about it, she was letting ALICE arrange it, probably going too be her worse mistake ever.
The next day me and my husband left for the graduation party at 5 wearing: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=69446377
and Dodger wore: http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?um=1&hl=en&tbo=d&rlz=1C1AFAB_enGB516GB516&biw=1241&bih=615&tbm=isch&tbnid=wRvSSgGALzs86M:&imgrefurl=http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/i407000-8/british-soap-awards-2012-arrivals-british-soap-awards-2012-danny-mac.html&docid=-o9-jQoJBKWLrM&imgurl=http://i2.cdnds.net/12/17/618x888/soaps_bsa_2012_38.jpg&w=618&h=888&ei=1wT7UK7fHaqJ0AXGv4HQDA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=169&vpy=236&dur=2860&hovh=270&hovw=188&tx=118&ty=198&sig=107287233442983720709&page=1&tbnh=143&tbnw=100&start=0&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:0,i:120
The party started at six but Alice told us too come earlier, I should make peace with Jasper, I haven’t seen him for over 100 years and this is how he treats me, pfft.
When the house came too view I became nervous, I don’t know why but I still did, Dodger sensed my distress and held my hand as we walked up to the door, before we could even knock Alice opened the door and hurried us in.
She was wearing: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=69555265
She lead us up to her bedroom where I saw Rosalie wearing this: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=69557754
And Bella was wearing this: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=69558582
“BELLA! Why aren’t you wearing a dress?!” I screamed
“I don’t like dress” she giggled
“what about heels?” I demanded, how could she not like dresses.. what is she.
“I’m clumsy” she stated
“ARGH! Dodger were going down stairs” I growled.
“possessive much” Rose winked
“you have no idea” I purred, “Right dodgy baby, go down stairs too the boys, I’m getting Bella a dress”
“Okay, have fun baby”
I ran into Alice’s closet vampire speed and picked out: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=69559774
“I don’t want too wear tha…” Bella started
“I’ll make you wear heels” I threatened
“Okay, I’m going”
When it was quarter to six we all went down..
Edward looked so shocked at the sight of Bella in a dress
“You welcome Eddie” I chuckled
“Don’t call me that.”
“okay Eds” he growled at me, aha idiot, wait he’s a mind reader..
“Hey eds” I sent him through my mind..
Soon guest started arriving even some wolfs, urgh they smell B.A.D.
One of the wolfs, I think his names Jacob really does not want Bella too marry Edward, love triangle..
After all the guest had left, it was just me and Jasper in the room because everyone else was in the living room discussing the wedding..
“so..” was my genius conversation starter.
“so..” Really? Copying what I said, bum hole..
“Hey Jazzy”
“Hey Tezzy”
“Tezzy?” I laughed
“yeah” He chuckled, omg he actually laughed.
“why don’t you like Dodger?” I asked, keeping my head down.
“am I meant too like my sister’s husband” he winked..
“true, well try too get on, or ill have too make you” I lifted my head up and grinned evilly.
“your so creepy, we lets go talk about weddings”
We laughed and walked up too the living room..
“So your friends now” Emmett stated
“well.. he’s my brother, wouldn’t go as far as friends” I joked,
We all laughed and talked about weddings till past 12,
“Remember the wedding’s in TWO days, your both sleeping here tomorrow..” Alice waggled her eyebrows..
“okay” I grinned.
Then me and my husband left and got into our king size bed when we got back..well vampires don’t sleep, so try too guess what we did.. Actually DON’T!
Jasper Hale's Little Sister.
RandomTexas Volturi. Jasper Whitlock Hale's Little sister. A member of the Volturi for over a century. What happens when she goes to Forks and meets her brother? *set at the end of eclipse right through to the end of breaking dawn and further*