"Take care of those flowers,wrong number."

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George was sitting in a old,rickety rocking chair, watching the beautiful view of a sunset infront of him.

The elderly man rocked back and forth, a steady grip on a photo which drew his attention.

67 years.

It had been 67 years since he saw the real person behind the picture he held.

Clay Soot, had died on September the 9th of 2020.

The day he lost his love.

George promised to forget the man who held his love and he tried, he desperately tried every year the same awful day came around.

He tried everything,yet Clay's smile was burned into his memories, also the conversations.

"Take care of those flowers, wrong number."

And he did, the flowers lasted for a few years before George replaced them, he done the same every 3 to 4 years.

George Davidson, he had fell for someone 50 years behind him.

George glanced down at the photo, a single tear dropping down onto it as he let out a shaky breath.

The elderly took a deep breath, deciding to rest his dearly heavy eyelids.

The birds chirping in the background faded.

The sunlight peeping though his eyelids faded.

Everything faded.

George sprung awake, back in his 24 year old body, a certain dirty blonde boy sat above him, their foreheads colluding.

"Ow.. where am I?" George asked with confusion lacing his voice, the dirty blonde laughed, the same laugh George had just been about to remember for the past 67 years.

It was Clay Soot.

"Hey, George.." Clay muttered, looking at George who recognized him instantly, the 24 year old wrapped his arms around Dream tightly as if he let go, Dream would vanish.

The dirty blonde held George back," We finally meet  wrong number, we're finally back together." Clay sniffles filled the room, it had been ages since they last spoke.

George cried over his shoulder," We're finally together.."

In the same room once again, in the same house, yet not 50 years apart, Clay and George Davidson love finally reconnected.

Flowers From 1970Where stories live. Discover now