Mike x Guard!Reader(3)

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-Your POV-
Five weeks later and you and Mike are doing well in the office. You already had strong feelings for him. You blush every time he is near you. You wanna tell him how you feel one day. And today is that day. You were extremely nervous, thinking he might deny you. You just let out a sigh, 'it's... worth a try..(fucking rhymes..)' you thought.

You walked in the office, catching the attention of Mike. When he looked up, you saw he had a very flushed face. You giggled softly and walked to your seat, taking off your (F/C) hoodie.

-Mike's POV-
Many thoughts have been brought into my mind when (Y/N) came in. When she went closer to her seat, which is beside mine, I just blushed harder, which made me look like a tomato about to explode. Mike....man up. Ugh, but what if she denies me? What if she'll hate me? What if she'll ignore me forever? Thoughts filled my mind again. But a voice cut it off. "Mike, are you okay?" (Y/N)'s voice. Her angelic voice that I love.

-Your POV-
"Mike, are you okay? " you asked, very worried of him. He has been staring at the ground for like almost ten minutes or something. "Uh....y-yeah I-I'm fine.." he replied, stuttering. You just smiled, still a bit worried. "If you say so.." you just shrugged and sat on your seat. You felt Mike shift from his seat, but you just ignored it.

Five hours later, one more before it becomes six. The whole hour was just quiet and awkward. It made you very uncomfortable. You were about to ask something but then you heard a robotic breathing. It was from the left vent. Toy Chica. You glared at the animatronic, getting the Freddy mask prepared. Then you heard a sigh from behind you. You turned your head, and the sound came from Mike obviously. "Look Uh.....(Y/N).." He said, while scratching the back of his neck. "Yes Mike?" You raised an eyebrow at him, with a smile. "I-im...going to ask you something...please don't be mad at me after that question...Uh.." he said, getting a bit quieter. You just looked at him and sighed. "Don't worry I won't..." you smiled, which made him look up a bit at you, and smile back.

He let out another sigh and held his hands together very tight(but not that fucking tight wtf it will bleed xD ). "So....Uh...it's been like how many weeks...." he said, thinking of how many. "Six." You said, easily answering it. "Y-yeah...six...how am I going to explain this....ever since I first laid my eyes on you, Im....I'm already starting to like you. Even though on that first day I was acting like a total motherfucker there...your eyes, I can't stop looking at those beautiful eyes. The way your hair bounces..I-I..like you....scratch that I fucking love you.." he confessed.

You were a blushing mess. You can't help but smile. "Mike,  why would I be mad at you? I love you too, numbnutts." You smiled and giggled softly. His head perked up, and then he looked at you. A sudden blush crept up on his cheeks. But actually he looked like he was about to die of too much blushing. You giggled once more and nodded. He grinned and hugged you. "Thank you so much (Y/N) I thought you were going to deny me!!" He said joyfully. He let go and looked at you on the eyes, with you looking back.

But then a robotic voice shouted. "AGH FUCK IT I'M DOING IT!!" A female with the robotic voice said, and came with like crawling sound that came from a vent. She ran behind Mike and pushed him to (Y/N), making them both kiss. Both eyes wide, and blushing furiously. It was Toy Chica who did that. She snickered and walked away like a boss, signing that she did what she needed to do. You and Mike stayed like that for a bit, and pulled away. Mike glared at where Toy Chica ran off. But he returned his gaze to you. You were covering your eyes with both hands, a very flushed expression.

He smirked and then pulled you close, and kissed you again. Your eyes widen behind your hands, and you blushed harder(if possible), but still kissed back. He smirked in the kiss then pulled away. You pull one hand away from you and looked at him. You smiled softly. He smiled back, and cuddled with you the whole shift.

-time skip-
You both walked out the pizzeria together. Holding hands and fingers interwined. You didn't notice the animatronics stared at you, and others giggled quietly. You reached out, and before you guys separate to go to your home, Mike spoke up. "Hey Uh...can I have your number?" He asked. You smiled and nodded. You two gave each other numbers, and said your goodbyes. With a distance between you two, you both were smiling nonstop.

//I once again squealed here xD. So reader-chan I know I have bad grammar  but I tried my best. so hope ya like it. Ciao~


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