Only the beginning...

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"It's a shame that the others couldn't come over with us but at least we brought leftovers!" Ash said walking back home with the clones and Jackie. "Thanks again for dinner Ash! It was really good!" FC said happily. Ash blushed "Oh please, fried rice isn't that special..." They said rubbing the back of their head. "But the way you make it it certainly is." Jackie said giving them a kiss on the cheek.

"Huh, that's odd Lew normally locks the door..." Ash said opening the door. When they got in the house was a mess, there was clothes strewn about, the pillows from the couch and the cushions were also thrown haphazardly on the floor with little white stains on them. "What happened in here!?" Jackie said angrily. He had just cleaned the house this morning. Ash heard noise coming from her room and opened the door... only to find their dear Lewis on top of another girl. Ash dropped the Tupperware container of fried rice as the other four men came to their side with collective gasps of shock. "Lewis?" Ash said utterly heart broken. Lewis turned around, "A-ash you're home... early..."

The next day Ash called everyone down Jackie's living room. After last night Lewis spilled the secrets that everyone was holding, even their best friend. "So were you just going to continue? Huh? What was I not good enough? No of course not!" Ash said with a sarcastic smile on their face and tears streaming down their face. "I worked so fucking hard to get you guys out of your deals and for what!? For you to-to cheat on me with some random girl off of the street!?" It was true Ash had been working themselves to the bone for the last 4 years trying to convince multiple demons and higher powers to let her and her best friends lovers go the past year she finally did it and thought she could finally relax, obviously not. Suddenly Alice spoke up. "It's not like I wanted to hide it from you, but Lewis told me you were okay with it..." Ash laughed. "Oh well if that's the case you're forgiven!" "Yeah of course all of are! I mean it's not like you made a big fucking fool out of me right? It's not like I'm heart broken that the guy that I've loved for over 7 years cheated on me consecutively for three!!" Ash said laughing sarcastically. "Like any of you actually fucking believed him!" Ash yelled. "I thought I could trust you guys! I can't trust anyone though can I? I thought that for once...for just once! I wouldn't be alone, that I would be okay! But no..." Ash looked at the floor. Alice walked up to them. "Ash..." Ash gave them a death glare. "Don't. Touch me." They took a deep breath. "I'm leaving...I never want to see any of you ever again." And with that Ash took her phone and backpack then left. They drove away from all of the pleas for them not to leave, but they didn't care anymore, they never wanted to care about anyone ever again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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