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Lui woke up slowly, feeling a sensation of movement. He opened his eyes a little wider to look, and saw the unknown boy carrying him. Yuri had put him on his back, and was carrying him, heading towards the blue-haired boy's house.

"What happened...?" Lui asked, still wanting to sleep.

"A very funny thing." Yuri smiled. Lui made a confused expression. "I managed to turn all these guys into..." He pulled some things out of his pocket and showed her some maps, with the frightened faces of the muggers. "I had the idea in my head that I could only do that after I beat an opponent in a duel, but apparently I can do otherwise."

"Hm, I don't know what you're talking about..." Lui muttered. "But you better get back to the right place."

Yuri laughed, "Hahaha, there's no risk."

"What time is it?"


Lui closed his eyes, "Early."

"That's why you're going to sleep again."

"Hm... You're going to drop me off at my house, and then you're leaving."

"I won't."

"You're annoying, pff..."

"It's my fault I had to come help you, so I want to make it up to you."

Lui sighed, "You can do that by leaving, it's very simple."

"You want me to leave that badly?"

"I don't want others to see me with you, look at how you are."

"Hm...What? Would you rather I dressed differently?"

"It would already go a little more unnoticed." Lui closed his eyes.

"Right." Said Yuri as he opened the door to Lui's house. "We'll spend the day together tomorrow."

Lui sighed, "It doesn't have to be at all..."

Yuri went up the stairs, as he suspected Lui wanted to sleep more than eat. He entered the room and lowered himself so that Lui could put his foot on the floor.

Lui stepped aside from Yuri and looked at him seriously with fatigue, "Well, stay since you don't intend to leave so easily. I'll see if you can stay tomorrow." Because when he is fit, and he will be fit again, he will already be more able to make the decision, and make it happen.

Yuri smiled at him, "That's a good idea."

Lui said nothing and continued to look at him.

"Hm?" Yuri tilted his head. Then he understood and smiled, "Oh, I understand. I'll leave you to it." He stepped back and left the room, closing the door.

Lui sighed. Finally quiet. He removed his boots and scarf. Then he removed the rest and put on a simple shirt with shorts. It is more comfortable for the night, even if there is better...But so much the worse. He didn't have time to go through his closet. He put what was available to him, close by.

He laid down, and closed his eyes to fall asleep.

The next day~

Lui woke up, feeling a smell reach his nostrils. It wasn't a burning smell or anything serious. On the contrary, it smelled very good. But where did it come from? From his kitchen? He sighed inwardly. What did this guy want to do now? He is not sure how he should look at this strange boy, whose name he does not know yet.

It's strange...

He doesn't know what to feel when he is with him...

He sighed and stood up. Well, let's go see what's going on here.

A Simple Dream [Yuuri X Lui] - Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V / Beyblade BurstWhere stories live. Discover now