kirishima middle school pt2

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well um I was gone for a day and i already have 115 reads-

what the fuck

ummm, thank you. Anyways back to the story or whatever.

Kirishimas PoV

After what felt like ages I woke up in the school infirmary. I looked around and saw no-one was her so i just decided to get out of the bed and grab my stuff. I looked through my stuff to make sure no one took anything or looked through my bag and too my surprise no one did which was a relief. Because if they did i would have a lot of explaining to do. But that's for another time in the story. After grabbing my stuff I grab my jacket and head out of the infirmary and to the school exit only to be stopped by a teacher. Great now im going to be late home yet again. i sigh before turning around to meet my teachers face...he looked angry. It was complete silence which was a bit awkward so i spoke up "umm, sir?" after saying that its like he snapped out of his angry face and to a smile. "Oh sorry Kirishima, i just stopped you to ask you why you are still at school." I looked down feeling a drop of guilt in the bottom of my stomch. "Sorry sir. I was in the infirmary, i think i fell and blacked out." I let out a nervous chuckle, he let go of my shoulder and nodded before walking away. I sighed in relief that he wasn't keeping me behind longer. And so then i headed out of school and made my wat towards the hell hole called home.

While walking along the streets i plug in my headphones and put on one of my favourite songs, 'How Could You Leave Us by NF'. I guess is just a song that hits. As i continued walking a part of the song came on and i decided to sing along.

"I don't get it, mom, don't you want to watch your babies grow?

I guess pills are more important, all you have to say is no

But you won't do it will you? You gon' keep popping 'til them pills kill you

I know you're gone but I can still feel you

Why would you leave us? Why would you leave us here?

How could you leave us here?

How could you leave us? Why would you leave us?

Oh, hey

I got this picture in my room and it kills me

But I don't need a picture of my mom, I need the real thing"

I let a single tear roll down my cheek before i felt a heavy figure on top of me. Before i could process anything i looked at the figure. Silky green and black hair, emerald green eyes and freckles sprinkled across his cheeks. I quickly got up and dusted myself off and cleared my throat. I put my hand out tp the cute- wait cute? ...i mean he is but ughh shut up eijiro your gay is showing. "Sorry about that, let me help you up" i stated before i could think anything else or get my hopes up for someone ill probably never see again. He flinched as i put my hand out which was a bit concerning but then grabbed my hand and got himself off then dusted his green baggy pants/trousers off (im british okay-) and smiled at me. "Thank you, but i should be the one saying sorry, im the one that was running and not watching where i was going." I smiled at him not knowing what to say but a question caught me off guard. "why do you fake your smile?" I looked at him shocked and confused on how he knew it was i that easy to read, is it not real enough, have other people realised too. Questions raced through my head. I was looking around while scratching the back of my head " did you.." I looked at the greenette and frowned slightly but i wasn't expecting the response he gave me. "I do the same it's okay" I made an O face to his response and i smiled..wait it was a real smile..but how. I look up at the greenette and put my hand out "I'm kirishima, nice too meet you!"

Sorry if this is a bit off, its really warm and i cant think properly. Theres also a daddy long legs flying around my room and its big as fuck. Yes im 16. Yes i don't really kill bugs or get scared at them but that things gonna die.

Anyways i hope you enjoyed :) words: 787

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