Chapter 3: Routine

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Just as they were about to begin the routine someone walked off. And when I say someone, I mean someone named Kenma Kozume. Suga looked over to see a flyer, a valuable one might I add, missing.

"For fucks sake! Where the hell are you going Kenma!?" Suga demanded.

Kenma paused, before lazaily turning his head.

"To pee."


When Kenma got no response, he shrugged his shoulders and continued his way to the bathroom.

"KENMA." he said tilting his head, and widening his eyes.

"What? I have to leak bodily fluids!" he reasoned.

But before Suga could add anything else someone from the bleachers interrupted.

"Hey! Are you guys gonna start? I'm getting kinda bored. Actually never mind, I already was." yelled Sakusa from the bleachers, earning many snickers from Bokuto, Kuroo, and Iwaizumi.

The entire gym went silent, knowing better than this idiot. If this teaches you the reader anything, DON'T mess with Sugawara Koushi. They all wordlessly watched as Suga turned around a gave the 5 boys a glare. If looks could kill Sakusa would be 6 ft under. Sakusa felt a shiver go up his spine as Suga continued to glare. After a few moments Suga looked away and usual cheery aura returned.

Suga turned his focus back to Kenma before saying, "I know you actually don't have to go, you pull the same shit everytime we practice, so get your butt back over here now!"

"uhuilkjnku fine." Kenma made a indistinguishable sound, before agreeing.

He slowly made his way back to his stunt group and waited as Oikawa got into position to do the longest tumble session you would ever see.

Oikawa does a running start and does 5 handsprings, and a full twist.

Yes ik in the vid it doesn't start like that but i wanted to make oikawa seem cooler so sue me.

By the time the cheerleaders were done with this routine the entire gym had heads in their ass and jaws on the floor.


Silence filled the gym until, it was broken.

"First of all, ew, second, as you should!" Oikawa's voice echoed throughout the gym before his voice was replaced with a wave of loud claps coming from Bokuto and Kuroo.


Akaashi cringed at the noise, how could someone be so loud?, he thought.

"Oh my god. Bokuto can you just shut up, it wasn't even that good." Iwaizumi said rolling his eyes.

"Excuse me?" Atsumu questioned, daring him to say anything more.

"You heard him. It. Wasn't. That. Good." said Sakusa supporting his best friend.

"Well if you think it "wasn't that good" then you come up here and do it yourself instead of sitting on you lazy ass, and opening your phat mouth!" Oikawa said supporting his best friend.

"OK," there coach Takeda sighed out interrupting them before he could say anything more, "that was a lot, but you guys did pretty good just a few things, Kenma I want you to straighten your leg bit while your up there, Atsumu seemed to have a bit of trouble holding you up, and I KNOW you can because I've seen you do it, so stop being lazy and do it."

"Ok." Kenma said.

"Next Amelia I want you to pull your legs up higher when your doing that straddle..."

So this continued for about 10 minutes, lots of corrections and demands. Finally, he called down the boys.

"Boys you can come down now, it's your turn to learn a routine."

"Wait. we actually have to do stuff?"

Daichi, Ukai, Takeda, and practically everyone in the room mentally facepalmed. So the cliche is true huh? Football players are actually dumb.

"Bokuto, OF COURSE you have to stuff, why ELSE would you be here for?!" said Ukai pinching the bridge of his nose

"Idk..I guess just watch?"

"Bokuto, how are you still alive?" genuinely asked Daichi.

Bokuto simply shrugged his shoulders in response.

"Anyway! I know practice has only been going on for about 45 min, but I'm gonna end it a early, so you may all go! Except Oikawa, Atsumu, Akaashi, Kenma, and Suga. I want you 5 to stay back and practice with the boys over here! K?"

They all cheered except for 10, as they watched the rest of the team pack up and leave.

"Oh you have GOT to be kidding me?!" whined Atsumu throwing his head back.

"Why do WE have to stay back?" groaned Kenma.

They all agreed my nodding their heads demanding an explanation.

"Well, it's because, the reason these boys are here in the first place, involve you. So me and my husb- sorry Takeda want to get you guys to get along, I mean you all are in your second year of college, you should be more mature at this point."

"Ok now the groups, group A will be, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Kenma, And Kuroo,"

"You're joking I'm stuck with these three idiots!" complained Kenma.

"Hey!" murmured Oikawa.

"Oh c'mon kitten were not that bad."

"Shut up"

Ukai coughed interrupting their conversation.

"As I was saying, group B will be Sakusa, Atsumu, Bokuto, Akaashi, Daichi, and Suga. Every body understand? Ok. Begin!"


With Group A:

"(sigh) Ok, so I know you both are football players and you aren't the most malleable, but I'm  gonna need you both to stretch or those thighs your so proud of, or else they're gonna be pulled." Kenma said plainly, earning a snicker from Oikawa.

"Oh shut up." said Iwaizumi under his breath.

"Excuse us?" Oikawa said raising a brow.

Iwaizumi simply responded with a shake of his head. The two cheerleaders sat down, while the other two stood there stupidly waiting for instruction.

"(sigh) Do we have to tell you EVERYTHING. Sit down!" shouted Oikawa exasperated.

"OH. Sorry"

Oikawa and Kenma gave each other a look.

This was gonna be a long 3 weeks.

(A/N) did I work on this as oppose to the vocab test I have tomorrow? yes. do i regret it? no. mot totally sure if i like this chapter yet tho, so tell me what u guys think!

(1042 words)

cheer with me | iwaoi, sakuatsu, kuroken, daisugaWhere stories live. Discover now