Chapter 4 - That Escaladed Quickly...

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        Amber's P.O.V.

        "Hey guys, I'm back with the... oh my gosh..." James gasps when the door to his bedroom flew open. Realizing what happened, I quickly pulled away from Luke, taking a side glance at him. I notice a look of disappointment on his face, so I leaned in and whispered in his ear.
         "We'll finish this later." I smirked and he smiled, making me wanting to kiss him again.
         "So, uh, what was that?" James practically growled as he picked Luke up by the collar of his ACU shirt, wrinkling the uniform.
         "James, man, I-I don't know" Luke stuttered. "Sh-she k-kissed me." Luke tried to explain, but I saw Luke's right fist ball up. Before he could take the first swing, I spoke.
         "I really did kiss him first, James. Don't blow up on him for something I did." my voice came out bold, stronger than I expected it to. I almost smiled at the sudden confidence, but quickly stopped myself, not wanting to look dumb.
         "Why would you kiss someone that you just met?" James let go of Luke before fully turning to face me.
      "Maybe because I wanted to! Why do you think you can control my life all of a sudden?" I sub-consciously hollered, getting extremely angry, very fast.
         "I never said I was trying to! I just don't want you to get hurt!' he shouted back, matching my tone.
         "Hurt from what? Actually trying to have a life out of school? Actually attempting something other than music for once? Actually venturing into the world to meet a guy that I really like? Please James, tell me, because apparently to you, I'm not old enough to know how to figure these things out on my own." As I spoke, my voice gradually grew quieter, until it was just above a whisper. I was beyond crying, so when I was pulled into a hug, I didn't shove whoever it was off. Judging by the persons scent, I'm pretty sure that it was Luke, since I wasn't completely familiar with it. Nevertheless, he smelled good. But I still can't figure out why I kissed him.
         Okay, let's review some possible answers, shall we? Well, behind curtain number one, we have his musical skills. Shade number two holds that sexy hair of his. Door three contains that beautiful lip ring. Who knows, it was probably all three. Hey, if you were to have seen that beautiful lip ring and the way it looked on his lips while he was singing...
        "Um, are you okay?" Luke asks me, a look of concern on his face.
        "Huh? Who, me? Yeah, I'm fine. Totally, completely perfectly fine." I ramble, my face feeling like it's turning a deep crimson red.
        "Okay," he smiles. Ugh, stop, you're killing me.
        "Are you done yet?" James' sarcastic voice sounds, making me jump. Well dang, he's still here. I scoffed like an immature teenager, including an immaculate eye roll. I nod at the same time Luke mumbles a quck "yeah" before walking toward the door, saying something about finding the bathroom.
        As soon as the door closed, my brother turned to me, a hint of anger still in his eyes. I walked over to the bed and sat down, him following, copying my every move. I pick up my new guitar, quietly strumming the perfectly tuned strings until James wraps his hand over the guitar's neck, silencing the sound.
        "We need to talk." he states sternly.
        "About what? How much you want to control my life?" I spat, venom lacing my words.
        "About you and Luke." He sighed, ignoring my temporary anger.
        "What about us?" I look at my brother, confused about his words.
        "He's not the type of guy you think he is," James looks at me, directly into my eyes. "He has a bad past and an aeven worse reputation.
        "It's just a date. Nothing bad can happen--"
        "I don't care. I don't wan't--"
        "Me to get hurt. Yeah, I know, but--"
        "But nothing. Trust me Bambi, you don't want to get mixed up with him." James got up and walked over to his window.
        "But I do want to 'get mixed-up' with him." I put air quotes around "mixed-up' purposely making James feel bad. "I mean, what did he do that is so bad?"
        "It's not my place to tell you." he says softly.
        "Well I'm still going on a date with him Tuesday." I ignore the look of annoyance in my brother's eyes as I begin to smile at the thought.
        "I'm... decently okay with that." he says half smiling half grimacing, as he walked back over to the bed, sitting on the very edge of it. "I'm just afraid something will happen to you." He put his arm around me, gently pulling me into a sideways hug.
        "I know," I sighed. "But I'm willing to take the risk." I look up at my big brother.
        "But what if you get hurt?" His voice cracks, and a glint of fear glistened in his eyes.
        "But what if I don't?" I questioned him softly. Before he could respond, Luke came back into the room.
        "Hey James, your mom wants to talk to you downstairs for something," Luke smiles. He's doing it again!
        "Okay, thanks bud," James heads out of the room, and as he does, he whispers something into Luke's ear. Again.
        He walks out and Luke sits beside me on the bed, a smile still prominent on his face. He picks up my guitar that was still laying on the bed where my brother had sat it. Luke begins strumming aimlessly, but then he starts playing a song that I've actually heard before. Just so "coincidentally" it was a song by the Beatles. Immediately I know that it's "Here Comes The Sun," and I find myself smiling at the way his fingers moving across the neck of the Gibson.
        "Doo do do do do, do do do do, doo do do dooo." He sings softly, making the smile on my face grow even larger.
        "Here comes the sun, doo do do do, and I say, 'it's all right,'" I sing the next line, causing him to look up at me in surprise. Luke smiles, then sings with me through the first verse harmonizing the next few lines with me. We sing through the entire song, and I cut off before he does, letting him sing the very last line.
        "It's all right" Luke's deep, husky, sexy voice rings out. I smile at him, and he smiles back. He then asks "How was that?" in a very shy, insecure tone.
        "You did amazing. We definitely should do that way more often." I proclaim.
        "Definitely," was the answer I recieved. He startedc laughing, and for some unknown reason, I started laughing, too.
        "After we stop laughing, and I gently rest my head on his shoulder, for the second time tonight. Luke sighs in content, and I look at him, gazing deeply into those big, blue, captivating eyes of his.
        He stops smiling all of asudden, and leans in closer, bringing his face inches from mine. I sub-consciously move my arms to wrap around his neck, pulling him even closer.
        "Are you sure that we should be doing this?" he whispers, his warm breath tickling my lips.
        "If you think we're moving too fast, then we can slow down." I tell him quietly.
        "I don't think that." he says before attacking my lips with his own. I inhale sharply, something pointy poking my back. Luke pulls away too fast, and when he does, I see deep fear and concern in his eyes. I put the guitar back on the stand, and lay back on the bed, while Luke gives me the most pitiful look.
        "Come here," i wink, trying to tease him. Wait, we're not even dating... yet. But what would he see in me anyhow? I basically just called him a 'good potato.' That's how bad my flirting skills are.
        "Mmm, teasing mcuh?" He smirks, sending chills down my psine. He crawls to he headboard, wrapping his arms around me, and he intertwines our legs, bringing me closer to him.
        We lay like this for a good fifteen minutes before I find myself drifting off to sleep.
        "Sweet dreams," Luke whispers into my hair. I smile and snuggle closer into him, breathing in his amazing scent.


        I don't know what time it is when I wake up, but the first thing I notice is that Luke is gone. I bolt upright, jumping out of the bed and running downstairs. I finally reach the kitchen, and when I finally catch my breath, Mom wraps an arm around my shoulder.
        "Here she is," her happy tone shines. My enitire family starts clapping.
        "Hey, there's the birthday girl." My brother states proudly. "Here little sis, time to blow out your candles." Ooh, cake, don't mind if I do... I sit down in front of the 21-candled cake and smile at the Beatles picture on it. My family starts singing the birthday song, and before I go to blow out the candles, Luke whispers in my ear.
        "Make a wish, babygirl." he says. I close my eyes and wish for something I've always wanted: a long, happy relationship with someone who loves me, and that I'll love forever. Just so coincidentally, Luke's image pops into my head. Could he be the one? I guess we'll know later.
        Realizing I haven't blown out the candles yet, I take the biggest breath I can manage and blow all the candles out at once. I open my eyes and everyone starts clapping. Wow, this is a very cheery family, I think to myself.
        "About time," James teases, lightly punching me in the arm.
        "Honey, I'm home!" I hear my father's voice call from the frot door.
        "Daddy!" James and I both exclaim in unison, each of us running into the living room like little kids. I burst into tears of joy after finally seeing my dad after being away for six months at College.
        "Bambi, James! I've missed y'all so much." my dad chuckles. "Happy Birthday, girl." he says, handing me a present wrapped in a shiny blue paper with a green bow on top.
        "Thank's dad." I smile at the man who raised me and who took me on my first hunting trip. I tear open the tiny package, noticing that it was a jewelry box. I gently lift the lid gasp at the sight. In the box was a diamond studded 'A' on a sterling silver chain.
        I hugged my father's neck once again and thank him for the beautiful necklace. I pulled away from the hug just as Mom walked into the room.
        "Bambi, are you going to come cut the cake?" Mom asked, hugging Daddy, then kissing him.
        "Yeah, mom." I giggle at the thought of cake, and turn to go into the kitchen. Before I get to the door, Luke comes into the living room.
        "Hey dad, this is my buddy, Luke, form Afghanistan." James states, introducing Luke.
        "Nice to meet you, son." Daddy reaches out and shakes Luke's hand. "Thank you for serving our country. I'm proud of you, and you too, James."
        "Thanks, sir." Luke's shy smile slightly broadens. "I'm glad I'm able to. Sir, may I ask you something?"
        "Of course, son, go ahead."
        "Sir, would it be okay if--"
        Luke was cut off by the sound of a police siren outside.

End Of Chapter 3.

A/N: Hey guys, I'm sorrrrrrryyyyyy for the antigonizing wait. I lost my only way to use wattpad a long time ago, but here's chapter 4.... finally...

Lol, love you guys. Have funnnnn trying to come through the screen and kill me :) I'm waiting xD not really.

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