I Know - Billy Loomis X Reader

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A/N: Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't written for this story in so long omg- I've had a lot happen in the last couple of months but I finally got motivated enough to write. I'll try to get chapters out as fast as I can! Fic Prompt(s): 2: "Just fucking kill me already!"

Trigger Warnings: Murder, cussing, fighting, and probably something else I can't think of right now


"I know you know." He said, and with those words, Y/N knew their life was over. Even before he made any sign of it they knew, they weren't getting out of this alive. "I don't know what you mean Billy," they said, hoping to play the idiot card on the slim chance they could survive. "Don't bullshit me. I know you fucking know Y/N." Billy said, not wanting this to carry on any longer than it has to. 

 "..and if I do? What are you gonna do?" Y/N said as Billy stalked towards them. The dimly lit bedroom was a mess, with books and movie tapes scattered on the ground. Movie posters litter the walls and an old tv sits on the far side of the room. As he walks towards them, Y/N falls back onto the bed. "Ya know, I really did like you, it's a shame it has to end like this. Billy quickly grabs a knife from a drawer in his nightstand.

 "I was gonna let you join us. Too bad you turned out to be a fucking snitch." As Billy turned around to grab something else, Y/N rolled off of the other side of the bed and ran out of the door of his room. Billy turned back to the sound of the door swinging open and ran after them. Y/N sped through the house, down the stairs trying to find something, anything, to protect themself from their attacker. They ended up grabbing a metal candleholder and running out the back door, Billy close behind. In the backyard, there was a trampoline, that hadn't been used in over ten years, a small outdoor coffee table, and a 6 ft wooden fence.

 Y/N made their way to the fence and began to try and climb it. When they were almost at the top, Billy managed to grab their foot and pull them onto the ground. As the two wrestled, Billy managed to get the upper hand. He got a tighter grip on the knife he was still holding and cut into Y/N's flesh. He made more cuts as they screamed in agony. 

As Billy made a final cut into their stomach Y/N screamed "God just fucking kill me already please..!" The last part of their sentence broken off into a sob. With those words, Billy plunged the knife into their chest. 

As the light slowly went out of their eyes, Billy had a slight look of remorse, even if only for a second. "It wasn't supposed to be you.." he whispered as he closed Y/N's lifeless eyes.

-This was requested by @jaydenmaximoff and @apheliax Hope you guys enjoy!

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