They've known each other since they were eleven, inseparable best friends for as long as they can remember, but long distance and spotty behavior causes them to lose touch after graduation. When Maddie and Harry run into each other again ten years l...
okay. i think i may have a valid reason for why this one took so long...
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i needed recovery time, okay?
yeah. so i saw harry. in concert! no, i'm still not over it! that's about all i can say right now!
in all seriousness though thank you for your patience!! <3
How did I wake up today? No, it wasn't the soft sunlight peering through the window, or the mouth-watering smell of breakfast cooking, or the safe warmth of Harry's sleeping body next to mine. In fact, Harry wasn't even in bed when I opened my eyes.
It was the atrociously loud sound of the vacuum whirring and 'The Chain' by Fleetwood Mac absolutely blasting through the flat and Harry singing along at the goddamn top of his lungs.
"And if you don't love me now, you will never love me again..." Harry belts, and even though I'm all the way in the bedroom with the door closed and a pillow over my head, I can still make out the lyrics. It's not even nine. Happy Thursday.
I know why he's up and at 'em, though. Today is a pretty fun day. We both took off work and we've had today planned for a while. It was something that we were going to do about two weeks ago, but we had a slight- and abrupt- setback in plans.