rest in pieces part two

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tatum and I circled each other, I never broke eye contact, I would not lose this fight. I watched her every movement, every step. her wolf was a dull brown color. she was normal. just then her step faltered and her eye contact broke. this was my chance.

I lunged for her, the pact was silent as ever as my teeth sank into her fur and ripped her throat out. blood covered me instantly but I didn't care, I was temporary alpha and no one was going to undermine my authority.

Starr shifted into her human and bowed showing me her neck, and as I stepped away from tatum's still body, I took in the scene. everyone was back in their human form bowing, bearing their neck. I shifted back and dressed.

"now does anyone have any questions? Oma and baba left me in charge and I just proved I will not hesitate to do what I did to my own girlfriend to anyone here. understand?"

everyone nodded, "okay, lets go in"

as the pack talked to one another , Starr and myself went to our room so I could clean up the blood,

"I can't believe that you killed her" Starr said. I poked my hear out of our bathroom and gave her a crossed look. "you're right. you're right.," she crouched down and picked up one of the boys toys and tossed it to me, "congratulations on the children you just inherited."

"fuck!" I hadn't even thought about the boys. 'what the hell am I going to do?' I thought to myself.

I sat on the edge of my bed and cradled my head. Starr went into the guest room and got the boys and sat them on my bed. Starr was so good with kids, I'm glad I had her here to help with everything especially three year old twins.

I leaned my bed and picked up Jeramy, the oldest of the twins and looked at Starr.

"maybe I could keep the boys till Oma and baba get back," I pondered the thought of keeping the boys, Starr loved them, but could she really handle two three year olds? she was only 15. she was home schooled though and her grades were high...

"I don't know Starr..."

"oh please hazel I promise ill take good care of them! we can turn the guest room into a man cave for our little men. please oh please oh please hazel I can prove I can take care of them!" I swear I could see her tail wagging even though she was in human form. I sighed, she knew I couldn't say no to her.

"fine, but, the very first time you feel like it's to much, let me know Starr. I'm serious." she already had both boys in her arms dancing around our room. I can't believe I agreed to let her keep them.

"and can we not tell everyone we discussed this like the boys were dogs?" Starr poked her head back in the door and nodded furiously, grinning ear to ear.

as I walked into the living room, I passed the guest room and seen Starr with the boys, she was holding both of them on her hips telling movers what to do with the old stuff and where to put the new beds for the boys and all their new toys. I had to give her props, the girl didn't waste anytime.

as I was taking a seat by the window, I noticed a new scent, it wasn't from anyone from the pack, or anyone from adjoining packs. I stared out the window trying to pinpoint the exact location of the new smell. it smelt so deliciously good, like strawberries on a hot summer day, god it was driving me crazy!!

I stood and walked to the door, just as I was turning the knob, I heard Starr growl.

I ran into the boys new room, and seen them both sleeping soundly in their new beds, and Starr's wolf standing in front of the boys growling a warning growl to the most beautiful wolf I had ever seen. I stepped into the room and Starr jerked her head to me giving me a small whimper. she knew what this stranger wolf meant to me. but she didn't like it and I needed to know why.

I used my alpha voice and demanded her to change to human form, and turned to the strange wolf, "being as you are on my territory, I suggest you change to, or you will end up like the wolf outside," the wolf nodded and changed. and my gods she was breathtaking. she had long straight hair to her waist, it was dyed little mermaid red with a blue peak a boo, she had a full figure and had a tattoo on her right side that touched all the way from the very tip of her finger, up her arm to the middle of her back,

"your name?"

"I'm trinity, I'm from Jeramy and Jillian's fathers pack. we got word that their mother had been killed so I was sent to retrieve them."

'well that explains why Starr didnt like her'

"I'm hazel, alpha of this pack, word seems to travel fast being as I only just killed tatum hours ago," I swear I've never smelt anything so sweet in my life, I didn't know how long I could contain myself, just then Starr stepped in, "you will not take my nephews, it won't happen, ill rip your throat out before you can even take a step," for being so young, my sister was not a force to be reckoned with. she had already made five kills, where as I had made two. she would be a great alpha one day.

"well I'd hate to break it to you sweet cheeks, but you won't kill nobody," trinity took a step towards the boys and before I could blink, Starr had shifted and was one pissed off wolf.

"now damn it! I'm fucking sick of no one listening to me, fucking change back Starr, and you trinity, step away from my sons. we are going to handle this like adults! understand?" the alpha voice was so strong it felt like it was dripping from my mouth.

that was all it took, the room filled with cries from the boys, Starr and trinity both ran to the boys and they each scooped one up trying to sooth them, I looked at both of the girls holding my boys, and my heart felt like it could burst. Starr glanced at me, and it was like a switch flipped and she knew exactly why I felt the way I did.

"oh my god! really? SHE'S your mate? her? of all people! shit hazel!" Starr snatched Jillian from trinity's arms and stormed out of the room.

"your my what? how is that possible? your alpha. and a girl. a fucking girl for Christ sake! how the fuck does that happen?"

I couldn't take it anymore, with the boys and Starr gone, my mates scent was the only one to fill the room. I took the few steps that separated us and grabbed her neck, I had to mark her. I had to make her mine.

as I ducked my head in to kiss trinity, she pushed me away, "don't you ever fucking touch me! alpha or not, ill rip your goddamn heart out and shove it up your ass! do you hear me?"

I just shook my head and walked away, she knew we were mates, I just had to give her time. I didn't have to worry about her taking our sons, or hurting anyone in the pack, I just had to worry about Starr trying to kill her.

trinity followed me, still bitching "are you fucking stupid?

I rolled my eyes and opened my bedroom door to find Starr's wolf laying across both boys, all three sound asleep. the site of the love Starr had for my boys was heart warming. but as soon as trinity walked through our door, Starr's wolf woke and was instantly in attack mode.

"okay you guys, lets handle this adult like and try not to wake the boys again. Starr, change back. and trinity, don't be a bitch"

Starr changed back and sat on the edge of her bed still protecting her nephews, trinity took a seat by the window, and I stood in between them.

"okay, trinity, you know as well as I do, we are mates, and Starr being as we are mates, no more trying to kill her okay?"

Starr rolled her eyes and sighed

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2013 ⏰

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