Chapter 13

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Hey guys! I wanna give a shout out to clownysis   <--- please click their name, check out their work and give them some love! :)

Now, onto the story


You couldn't believe how you were on a private jet with Dio. You looked out the window as you saw nothing but clouds. It was a beautiful sight to take in as you took in a breath.

"Enjoying the view?" Dio asked as you turned to look at him as he sat across from you, his legs crossed as he sipped some wine.

"Yeah, it's amazing to be so high in the sky" you spoke as you looked out the window once more, "Dio,"

Dio placed his glass down as he hummed in response.

You took in another breath as you looked at him, "Be honest with me. Why are you taking me on a trip to Osaka?"

Dio glances at you as his phone buzzed. He picked it up as he skimmed the message and shut his phone, "(Y/n), I want to make you happy. I feel like something has been bothering you lately..."

He lifts his glass up as he brought it to his lips, his eyes in contact with yours as he spoke softly, "or someone has been bothering you."

Your eyebrows lifted slightly as you licked your lips, "No one has been bothering me... I'm fine."

Dio sipped his wine as he kept his eyes on you. He places his cup slowly down onto the armrest as he leans towards you. You looked at him as no words were spoken. He gently cupped your face as he kisses your forehead.

You could feel your whole body heat up as your breath hitched. He slowly pulls away as he spoke softly, "You can always tell me if something is bothering you, you know that."

You smiled at him as he sat back into his seat, "I know that Dio... It's just"

You looked back at the window as your ex appeared in your head, "...I don't think it's the right time to discuss it."

He watched you as he nods his head, "I understand."

A flight attendant walks by as she smiles at Dio, "Mr. Brando, we'll be landing in ten minutes."

He looked at her as he hands her his glass, "Thank you."

The plane finally lands as you both got off board. The wind blew as you shivered, Dio placing his jacket around you, "Cold, huh? Don't worry, cupcake. I'll keep you warm."

You blushed lightly as you laughed softly, "Thank you, Dio. I really appreciate all of this."

You both walked towards a private car and got inside.

Dio sat in the back with you as he told the driver coordinates to your next destination.

"Trust me, (y/n). I'll do anything and everything that you ask of me," he gently cups his hand under your chin as he slowly lifts your face to look him in his eyes, "just to make you smile."

Your eyes widen slightly as you smiled, "thank you, Dio."

He smiled as he kissed your forehead, "No need to thank me, cupcake."

The driver soon got you both to your destination as you got out with Dio. He went to the trunk as you picked up your suitcase.

"Welcome to my second home, (y/n)." He spoke as you looked up at the large home.

"How many homes do you own, Dio?" You laughed as he wrapped his arm over your shoulder, "as many as you want, baby."

You both walked inside as he places your suitcase down. You looked around in amazement as you looked at him, "Dio, are you sure you don't have multiple wives and kids that don't know one another?"

He looked at you as he burst out in laughter, "No, silly. I live alone."

He smiles as he looked at you, "I've always been alone... But, I'm tired of being alone."

You looked at him as you looked away, "Well, when you've been hurt so many times, you rather just stay alone."

You grabbed your suitcase as you looked at him, "Where can I freshen up?"

He frowned slightly at your comment as he points toward the stairs, "I'll show you upstairs. I had a room prepared for you to stay in for the night."

You thanked him as you both walked up the stairs. Dio spoke, "Did you have a shitty ex?"

You stayed quiet as you looked at you as you both made it to the top of the steps. He stops as you kept walking. He gently grabbed your hand as you kept your back to him, "(Y/n)... What did your ex do to you?"

"... He lead me to believe that he truly loved me but..." You slowly stopped as Dio slowly let's go of your hand.

"I'm sorry," Dio spoke out softly, "I don't want to bring up old wounds."

You shook your head as you quickly wiped your tears away, keeping your back to him. First Jotaro, now Dio? Why do you become so vulnerable towards these two men?

Dio walks passed you as he kept his back to you. He gently grabs your hands as he leads you to your room, not looking at you.

"Here's your room. If you need anything else, don't be afraid to ask." He spoke as he kept his back to you. He walks out, closing the door behind you as you covered your mouth to hide your sobs.

You realized he wouldn't look at you, because he knew you didn't want him to see you cry.

You let the tears fall out as you couldn't stop yourself from letting your ex hurt you. You felt like your whole world was on fire because of him.

You went to the bathroom as you rinsed off your face, taking in breaths as you tried to calm yourself down. This isn't the moment where everything gets ruined.

Oh, god. How you wished your father was still alive. He would've at least tried to help you through all of this.

Falling For Mr. CEO (Jotaro x ChubbyReader x Dio)Where stories live. Discover now