Lethal Love

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You look on, terrified for your life amongst your co-workers as the tall, sharp-dressed German terrorist leader, Hans Gruber circles the room like a predator. Every so often eyeing people up and down before heading to the next.

"Now. My men and I are here on some very important business. So if all of you could cooperate and do as you're told, no one has to get hurt. Understood?" he states to everyone, still sauntering around the room in a nonchalant matter.

He then stops and spots you from afar, making intense eye contact before walking your way. You could've sworn your heart stopped. The air got thicker around you and your breath hitched, having no idea what the man wants from you or if you'll even survive.

He stops at your feet and circles around you. He eyes your figure and runs his fingers through your hair, "Pretty little thing."

You blush and avert your eyes to the floor. Despite the sheer terror of the man, you couldn't resist his raw sex appeal.

"Well? What do you have to say?" Hans teases.

"I- uh Thank you, Sir," you stammer.

He chuckles to himself and puts his lips to your ear, "I want to talk to you privately, my men will escort you."

He gestures to one of his men and whispers some incoherent German into his ear as he points his finger casually towards you. The tall, blonde man nods his head and grabs your arm as Hans is already three steps ahead, signaling his henchmen to keep the rounded-up hostages at bay.

You walk with the tall blonde until you reach the elevator. He pulls you inside and presses for the very top floor and your anxiety increases with each ding of the numbers. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Then finally 34. The very top floor.

The elevator opens directly in front of two large wooden doors and the man leads you to it. He knocks and you hear Hans' sultry voice call from the other side, "Come in."

The henchman opens the door and gestures you to walk inside. You step inside and the man smirks at you before shutting the door. Leaving you alone with Hans.

You stand awkwardly at the door as Hans explores the miscellaneous items scattered across a desk on the west side of the room. Not acknowledging your presence.

He then places down the white coffee mug he was inspecting and directs his attention to you. He ambles towards you, his hands intertwined behind his back.

When he reaches you he explores the features of your face, tilting your head up at the chin, "I'm Hans, Hans Gruber. What happens to be your name?" he enquires, scanning your face through squinted eyes.

"Y/f/n. Y/f/n y/l/n," you reply shakily.

You were hesitant to give him your last name out of fear of what he could do with such information. However, you figured this was the type of man who could most definitely get that information with or without your help.

He circles your lips with his thumb, "Ah y/n. What a beautiful name." He then slid his hand down your neck, across your breast, down your waist, and to your ass, where he squeezes it gently, causing you to gasp.

"Please Liebling, don't act like you're not enjoying this," Hans snickers.

"Why did you bring me here?" you manage to blurt out amongst the tension.

He places both hands on the door beside your head, trapping you. He nuzzles his head into your neck and kisses you there, "Well you see, I think you're very sexy and I want you, I need you," he growls seductively in your ear before biting your neck gently.

Lethal LoveWhere stories live. Discover now