Being Me

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Jenn's POV

So here's the plan. I'm going to make sure Jc and Lia stay as far away from each other as possible. I will not let thm date. I walked into school with Mandy at my side and walked up to Jc. I kissed him passionately to make it look like he was kissing back right in front of Lia. She screamed "I CAN'T BELIVE YOU" I laughed and said "c'mon babe lets ditch school." Jc was crying and looked so sad. "Jenn you are a sick person! You have no right to bully someone who did nothing to you! I honestly hate you with all my guts! Get a life and stop hating on people!" Jc screamed at me. I felt so bad for once. "I-I'm sorry" I mumbled and started to tear up. I ran to the bathroom where I heard Lia's quiet sobs. "Lia?" I asked. "What do you want Jenn? To call me names?" She replied. "No I want to say I'm sorry."

Jc's POV

Jenn actually said sorry. She actually looked like she felt bad but instill didn't care. She hurt Lia and that hurt me. I slammed my locker shut and walked to class. Neither Lia or Jenn showed up until lunch. Lia walked over to me, looked me in the eyes and I couldn't help but think if she would kiss me or slap me. She did neither. She started crying into my shoulder and hugged me. I felt so bad. I couldn't help it so I looked her straight in the eyes and kissed her. She kissed back. When we eventually broke apart she said "todays the day" then ran away. "No. No. NO!" I screamed. "LIA I'M NOT LETTING YOU KILL YOURSELF!" I added. She immediately turned around, ran to me and hugged me while she cried. "You really care." She mumbled. "Of course i do." I answered.

Lia's POV

Jenn came into the bathroom and said sorry. I didn't care. She hurt me too much. She hurt Jc too much. I told him today was the day. He screamed "LIA I'M NOT LETTNG YOU COMMIT SUICIDE!" I then realized someone actually cared about me. The rest of the day went by fast. Everything was fine until Connor came up to Jc and I as we were walking to the park. "Hey Jc what are you doing with my girl?" He said. "Shes not your girl. Shes mine..." Jc trailed off. "Connor i broke up with you now leave." I mumbled. "Oh what was that? I couldn't hear your sobs." He then slapped me across the face. Jc almost KILLED him. I swear. "DON"T EVER TOUCH LIA EVER AGAIN" Jc screamed. He ran up to Connor and punched him in the eye. I couldn't believe what i was seeing. He's never acted this way. Maybe he's changing...

Andrea's POV

After the bell rang Kian came up to my locker. "Ugh what do you want?" I asked. "Andrea I'm really sorry. i should not have been suck a bitch. You have every right to hate me, but i wanted to tell you that I still love you. I was in shock. Did i love him too? We stood there in silence for what seemed like hours but was only a few minutes. Then something i didn't expect to happen. He kissed me. I didn't pull back, but i didn't kiss back either. "Do you believe me now?" he asked. "Y-yeah. But i don't know if i feel the same way." I replied. Kian looked down at the floor. "Well i still lov- like you but i don't know if i can forgive you." I added. "I understand" he said. I walked outside to see Connor bleeding and Jc standing next to him. No. Jc wouldn't. He couldn't. Or would he?


OMG IM SO SORRY!!!! I know that i have not updated in literarily FOREVER. I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though its short. And yes i know that Connor is gay. But omg Lia and Jc went on a hike together and Lia wore Jc's shirt like 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2015 ⏰

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