Chapter 2: City of Sirens

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"There's a master of music?"

"That's a thing?"

"I've never heard of a master of music."

"Are you sure you're not just making this up?"

"What's for dinner?"

Master Wu raised a hand to cease the clamor of comments the ninjas made as they talked over each other.

Misako spoke up, concern and confusion filling her eyes. "Isn't the master of music...." she trailed off.

Wu sighed. "I knew the master of music a long time ago before she went into hiding."

"Into hiding?" Cole asked. "What do you mean?"

"She knew she was at risk because of her power so she went into hiding and cut off contact with me and the other elemental masters. I haven't heard from her since," Wu ran a hand over the scrolls. "I had assumed that she passed away years ago and in turn, the element also was never passed on."

"You assume Keos is looking for the master of music then?" Zane tried to figure out.

"Correct," Wu confirmed. "What you said about Keos talking about the souls of the dead....I believe that he is going to attempt to open the gates of the Underworld and unleash the souls of the dead."

"What?!" everyone else exclaimed, the grave situation bearing down on them.

Unleash the souls of the dead? That's literally insane.

"He can't just...release the dead on us!" Jay shouted, splaying his arms out to express his distress.

"Yeah, that would mean the end of Ninjago!" Lloyd added.

"It's not going to be easy to open the gates. It's impossible to waltz right in and simply open it," Misako assured the ninjas with her knowledge. "No one has ever found the gates of the Underworld so I'm sure Keos is going to take a lot of time finding it. Not to mention, the gates are guarded by Cerberus."

"Cer what?" Kai said in confusion.

"Cerberus," Misako repeated and pointed at a drawing on the scroll. "A three-headed guard dog that prevents the dead from escaping."

"I'm pretty good with animals," Cole placed his hands on his hips and smirked.

"This isn't just any animal. It has a serpent tail and is much bigger than your average dog," Misako said. "Unfortunately, there isn't a lot of information on it besides its appearance."

"Wait, but how does the master of music fit into this?" Nya asked, not understanding what the master of music had to do with this.

Wu hummed. "It's hard to say for certain, but the elemental power must have been passed on so Keos might try to use the master of music to bypass Cerberus and open the gates using a spell from the spellbook he stole."

"Alright, so we find the master of music first before he does and protect them," Cole hit his fist into his palm, determination flaring in his eyes.

"But the master of music could be anyone," Lloyd scratched his head. "How are we supposed to find them?"

"It would take us too long to question every person in Ninjago," Zane shook his head.

"The previous master told me long ago that if I ever needed her help, the lyra constellation will guide me," Wu recalled from his memory.

He never understood what she meant by that.

"Of course it's a vague message," Jay threw up his hands in exasperation. "Nothing is ever easy and clear and understandable!"

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