Chapter 1

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“Hurry dear, the soldiers are gaining on us”, the woman called to her husband, who was trying to catch up, holding his hand over a rather large slash on his left arm. 
“If they catch us, they'll kill him for sure”, she said, looking at the small boy in her arms. The child had pitch black, similar to his father. His eyes were a green haze, but they looked glasses over due to the kids disability. The child was blind, had been since his birth only 3 days prior. The child cried out for his mother.
“It's ok my child, I'm right here”, she said, her voice instantly calming the child. She knew that if they didn't hide him he would be killed. That's why they were running now, they had tried to hide him from the guards. When their plan failed, her husband hit one of the guards with a shovel and they made a run for it. Her husband's arm met the tip of one of the guard’s sword, leaving him with a severe gash on his arm.
The father looked back, he could see the light from the Knight's torches not too far behind them. He looked back ahead, seeing his wife clinging to their child. He knew what he had to do.
“Just keep running, I'll hold them off while you find a hiding place for him”, he yelled, turning around to face the knights.
“No, wait…”, she called, but it was too late. He was out of sight, and she knew that turning back would mean giving up her child's life.
So she kept running, even as the screams of her dying spouse filled the night, even as her tears filled her eyes, even as her child cried, she kept running. She ran until she came across a cave, the inside empty. She went in and placed her child on the stone floor. He was still crying, as if he knew of the fate that befell his father.
“Hey it's ok my child, it's gonna be ok”, she said as she stroked his forehead. Again, he calmed down instantly, her voice was as soothing as a joyful melody to him.
“Mommy’s gonna go now, but she'll be back, she promises”, she said as she looked at her son. Though he could not see her, she felt as though he could still sense her in a way beyond sight.
“Goodbye, my son”, she said, tears welling in her eyes as she is forced to abandon her son to a fate unknown. 
As she ran away, the child did not cry, for despite not being able to understand her, her calming Aura filled him with a sense of comfort. He just laid there, waiting for his mother to return. Waiting to feel her warm embrace, waiting to hear her soothing voice.
But soon the silence was filled with a new noise, the sound of light footsteps approaching the cavern. From the nearby bushes, a group of wild Lucario emerged looking for a place to rest for the night. They spoke to each other not with words, but through Aura.
“I think this cave will do”, a female voice said. It belonged to the largest Lucario of the group, clearly she was the leader. The others nodded in agreement as they entered the cave. Some of them were holding various berries and other edible plants, which would be the pack's meal for the night.
As they entered, the leader stopped, her ears perking up as if she sensed another presence. Sure enough, on the ground beneath her was the child from before. He did not respond to their presence, his eyes fixed in place, not moving. But the Lucario could sense his life force, so he was not dead yet.
“What is it Skylar”, a younger Lucario asked, addressing the leader.
“It is a child, a human child”, she responded. As she knelt to pick up the child, she noticed a small tag connected to some rope around the boy's neck. She looked at the tag and read it aloud.
“Xander Duria, son of Betty and Percy Duria”, she flipped it to read the rest of its contents.
”To whoever finds this, we hope that our son is still alive, and we ask that you take care of him. For he was born into an unfair life and we wish only for him to have a better life than we could give him. Sincerely, Betty and Percy Duria”
As she finished reading the note, she looked at the child once more. She waved her paw in front of him and found out why he was so motionless.
“He is blind, that is why his parents abandoned him”, she stated, lifting the child from the cold floor and into her arms. As she stared into his glassy green eyes, a voice rose in the back of her mind, the voice of a child.
“Mommy will be back, she promised”, the voice repeated this line over and over, as if to reassure itself. Suddenly, a shriek rang out from somewhere deeper in the forest. It was the voice of a woman calling for help, but also in a great deal of pain. Then as quickly as the screaming began, it was gone. Then the child in Skylar's arms began to cry, the voice in her head crying out.
“Where's mommy, where did she go”, it cried out. Skylar grabbed her ears, trying to dampen the noise but to no avail. She turned around and saw that it wasn't only her that could hear it. All the other Lucario were also trying to drown out the noise. That was when it became clear, the child was born with a strong sense for Aura and was using it to speak, crying out for his mother. The only reason he was crying was because he could no longer feel her Aura, he couldn't find his mother. She was gone, and so was his father. He felt them disappear but he didn't understand what had happened to them. So he cried, hoping that they would come back.
Skylar placed her palm on the boy's head, using her Aura to influence his thoughts. And just like that, she put him to sleep, silencing the voice in her head and easing the pain of her fellow Lucario. She then looked at the boy, his face still wet from the tears, and made a decision.
“He will be coming with us, and we will raise him to be a proper user of Aura”, she proclaimed, much to the surprise of her companions. But they agreed, for Skylar was their leader and they trusted her judgement above all else. And so begins a journey, a journey of friendship, struggle, tragedy, heartbreak, and triumph. This is the story of Xander Duria, the first Aura Guardian.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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