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Justin kept his eyes locked on the television screen. He knew checking his phone constantly would just make the time pass more slowly so he tried to focus his attention on the movie that was playing. That night he was in Miami doing some last minute promo work before his tour.

“Are you sure you don’t want to talk?” Kenny asked. Justin shook his head, not taking his eyes from the screen.

“I haven’t seen you this tense before,” Kenny observed. “Or quiet. It’s kind of scary.”

“Man, be cool,” Justin turned to look at his bodyguard. His eyes darted to the clock on the wall. Damn. 45 more minutes.

 “I’m just concerned,” Kenny said. “You’re not acting right.”

“I can’t act all the time,” Justin snapped. “I need a break sometimes.”

 “Thank you,” Kenny smiled.

“What?” Justin demanded.

“I knew there was something bothering you,” Kenny said. “Thank you for admitting it.”

“Whatever,” Justin turned his attention back to the TV.

“Okay, well, I’m here when you’re ready to talk,” Kenny insisted.

“Please just let it go,” Justin sighed. “It’s my night off, I don’t want to talk, I just want to sit here and watch TV.”

“Okay,” Kenny agreed. “Was that so hard?”

“No,” Justin sighed.

“I’ll see you in the morning?” Kenny asked.

“Yes, I’ll call you for breakfast.”

“Okay,” Kenny nodded at Justin and headed for the door. 

Justin tried to get focused on the movie again but it really wasn’t working for him.  Every five seconds he glanced at the clock and after a while he could have sworn time was moving backward.There were still 15 more minutes before Clara would get there. He gave up on watching the movie and settled back on the couch to flip through the channels, watching a little bit of a few different shows while he faced off with the clock.

15 minutes later his phone vibrated and Justin lunged for it. Clara had texted him to say she was on her way upstairs. Justin jumped up and down and then rushed for the mirror. He ran his fingers through his hair a few times, trying to sculpt it into a look that suggested he hadn’t tried at all.

There was a soft knock and Justin grabbed the door handle and yanked it open.

“Hey,” he said, his voice coming out breathy and eager. He could tell he had a big stupid grin on his face but he couldn’t make himself care.

“Hey yourself,” Clara said, pushing past him into the room. She had on big sunglasses and a hoodie, which she unzipped immediately. Justin closed, locked, and chained the door before turning around to look at Clara.

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