Chapter 1 - Are you really a Malfoy?!

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It was the middle of the school year and everyone was in the great hall

Dumbledore taps on the podium, it was wood and had a beautiful, intricately carved owl on front and he cleared his throat to get their attention.
Everyone slowly fell silent and turned their attention to Dumbledore at the front .
Dumbledore "I know it is the middle of the school year but I would like it for you to welcome our newest student, Arabella Malfoy with open arms and treat her with the utmost respect".
Arabella burst through the doors with grace and power. She struts up to Dumbledore with pride and confidence, you could tell she was proud to be a Malfoy.
Arabella had porcelain skin, smokey blue eyes and long elegant snow blonde hair.
Everyone mumbles quietly in excitement and curiosity.

Dumbledore "SILENCE!!!"
The room fell dead silent again.
Dumbledore places the sorting hat on Arabella's head. Sorting hat "another Malfoy, very interesting", Arabella sat there patiently waiting, sorting hat "very hard choice....... RAVENCLAW!!!!!!".

Almost all Ravenclaw students were sceptical of her but then Luna jumps up cheers loudly for her being happy to have a new Ravenclaw.
Arabella got up and went and sat beside Luna "hello I'm Arabella Malfoy!"
Luna hugs her with excitement "I'm Luna Lovegood!! Welcome too the Ravenclaw family Arabella"

Terry Boot "Are you really a Malfoy?!" Arabella nods "of course I'm a Malfoy, why would I lie about that?"
Cho Chang cuts in "because Malfoys are always Slytherin and you are a Ravenclaw NOT a Slytherin"
Arabella glares at Cho Chang "yes I know that I am not deaf nor am I blind! Besides my dad is going to be very mad that I am a Ravenclaw instead of Slytherin"

Luna had long light blonde hair and piercing blue eyes filled with curiosity and smiles at Arabella in the most caring way "never worry about your dad Arabella, we are your family now!"

Fred's perspective
Harry In shock "I can't believe we have another Malfoy!"
Draco butting into the conversation "well believe it Potter! My sister will make you dread the day you were born!!"
Fred "shut it Draco, if she was that mean she would of been in Slytherin with ur slimy ass!
George laughs "Yea you blonde ferret!"
Draco scoffs and storms off with Blaise and Goyle.

Hermione "I can't believe she wasn't in Slytherin! she must be a nice person"
Fred makes it seem like a joke and nudged George "doesn't matter if she was nice, she looks goooood" . George laughs more "yea right as if she would of been attractive she a malfoy after all"
Hermione "Don't be so mean you blubbering baboons!! She just new here and we don't even know her!!"
Ron "but she's a bloody malfoy! She would probably turn her nose up at tapped water!!"
Hermione "Ron don't be so heartless!!"

Fred watched them squabble "lover quarrel eh George?"
George snickers "your right Fred!
Hermione "Ron is not my boyfriend!"
Ron "no need to sound so offended, it hurts my feelings"
Harry "how did she hurt your feelings"
Fred glances over at Arabella who is laughing and smiling with Luna, Fred smiles a bit "she might not be as bad as she seems"

After dinner
Arabella walks around the school trying to mesmerise every thing
Fred went over and taps her gently "I'm weasley! Fred Weasley!"
Arabella looks at him "I know who you are Weasley number 6, I'm Arabella Malfoy"
Fred blinks "uh Weasley number 6?.. what do you mean by that?"
Arabella "you are the 6th oldest Weasley there for it's easier to give you numbers than to remember 9 names that currently aren't important to me"
Fred smiles at her awkwardly"well, Let me show you around the school"
Arabella walks away "no."
George follows her eager to know her "I'll show u all the best place in the school!"
Arabella sighs "fine you may show me around the school."
George over flows with joy "let's go then!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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