Chapter 1 ~ The Transmission

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A pregnant woman is tied to a chair by metal chains in a laboratory far away from any living form. She is unable to talk and she's paralysed.
" With all due respect sir , I do not think that testing these lazers on her is a good idea , said a short chubby man timidly .
- And why is that , Rooftum ?" asked a tall man that didn't look like the others . While everybody in the lab was wearing a long white robe , he was wearing a black cape and a hood that hid his entire face.
" Well sir , answered Rooftum , she is having quadruplets next week . The lazers may affect the babies.
- Sorry boss , you're absolutely right , I should've never asked this stupid question , answered the short guy.
- Good , now if nobody has anything else important to say , let's start shall we ? Baron are you ready ?
- Always , said a middle aged man with messy black hair that was standing in front of a big red button.
- Very well . 3 , 2 , 1 Fire !
Baron pressed the red button directly. Suddenly , blue lazers came out of two large machines to go straight to the woman's chest as she screamed in pain . The laboratory was shaking and stuff were falling from shelves and tables to get smashed on the floor creating a huge mess . 2 minutes later , the machines stopped throwing lazers out and everything went back to normal . Everybody was on the floor . Some people were even unconscious . The boss was the first one to stand up . He walked around the lab slowly , searching for somebody . He finally found her under a fallen shelf .
" Get up Melissa , we have some tests to do on the woman , he said .
- Of course boss right away ." Then , with some unbelievable strenght , she held the huge shelf and threw it in a corner . After that , she walked to the chair where the pregnant woman was held hostage , grabbed a pen and a note pad from her back pocket and started writing rapidly.
" Okay we can start now , said the girl.
- Thank you Melissa , said the boss ". He then took a knife and threw it towards the pregnant woman's face . The knife travelled the distance before stopping at 2 centimeters of the target.
" Telekinasis (mind control) power , check , said Melissa.
- Very well , pls continue ".
Melissa grabbed a plant that was on a desk and put it in front of the poor woman that was looking at everything but couldn't open her mouth . Suddenly , the leaves of the plant went off and began to fly around the woman creating shapes and signs.
" Nature power , check " she said while she was writing on her note pad. She then looked around the lab looking for someone who was waking up . She saw Baron trying to stand up.
"Baron , we are seeing if the lazers have worked and if the powers have been transmitted to the body. Right now , we already checked telekinasis and nature . They both work. Now if you could get me a flame thrower from the storage room pls, said Melissa .
" Yes right away Meli ."replied baron before going to get the flame thrower. He then got out with something that looked like a gun but bigger. He handed it to Melissa that grabbed it rapidly and wemt to stand up in front of the hostage. When the pregnant woman saw the gun , you could already see in her eyes that she was scared to death. Melissa counted to three , pointed the flame thrower to the woman's face and shot. A huge amount of fire got out to wrap the hostage's head in red smoke. You would think that she got burned to death but in reality , when the smoke wemt away , the face of the prego was untouched.
" Fire power , check. One more to go." said melissa with excitement. For the final power , she grabbed a phone charger , put one end in her phone and the other end in the woman's mouth. She was amazed when her phone lit up and was charging.
"Electric Power , check . Transmission succesful, she said joyfully.
- Excellent. Thank you Melissa. Now we know that our lazers work. said the boss . Now Pls remind me , when does she gives birth ?
- Next week ." answered Melissa .

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