The summit

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Wei Ying was walking in circles. Or more accurately, he was walking up and down the Jingshi. I was at my desk trying to finish preparing for the summit that started today.

The delegations were starting to arrive. Brother was welcoming them. At nightfall, the opening banquet would take place. But tonight was the first time we would appear before everyone as a couple. The main Sects knew about it. Through our union, the leaders of Jiang and Jin Clans had become my family. Jiang Cheng, my brother-in-law and Jin Ling my nephew. HuaiSang, the head of the Nie Clan was also present that day, and he wished us much happiness.

"What if they try to make trouble for you?" said my soul mate to the... I had stopped counting the number of times he had asked me that question!

"Ignore them! Keep it civil, I'll take care of the rest!".


"Shut up!" I got up and went to join him. I took his hands in mine.

"Things aren't what they were 17 years ago," I said.

"I know, but they still fear me, even though I've been living quietly since I returned to you."

"You are my husband. To disrespect you is to disrespect me too. They know it. Everything will be fine. Those who see our union in a bad light will ignore you. If you leave them aside and don't worry about them, everything will be fine.

"But you ... I don't want you to lose your position as Patriarch because of me!" at these words I kissed tenderly his lips.

"Wei Ying, When I lost you in Qishan, I realized that the most important thing in life is not power or honor, but the love we have for the people close to us. Whatever happens tonight and in the days to come, we will stay together.

I rested my forehead against his, our hands joined. I could have stayed like this for hours, but Brother knocked on the door.

When he entered, Wei Ying and I resumed a position more suitable for receiving a visitor.

"All the delegations have arrived. Some of them asked me why you weren't there to welcome them."

"What did you tell them?"

"The truth, that you had an emergency to deal with!" made Brother glance at Wei Ying.

"An emergency?".

"Yes, your husband's panic!" Brother laughed. He had been laughing more and more often since Wei Ying had moved in with us. I was happy about it.

"Wuxian, when I see you today, I sometimes find it hard to imagine, that you were the most feared being in the whole "culture".

"Brother Xichen, I know you don't pay attention to rumors, but have you heard anything about us!".

"The only person who dared to voice a derogatory opinion, was put in his place by Jiang Cheng. I think you have nothing to worry about tonight. After that, it's Wangji's turn to make his own choices and the clan leaders to make theirs.

Wei Ying looked at me. He seemed a little appeased. I knew that until we entered the Orchid Hall, he would wonder and imagine the worst things. But once the crucial moment came, he would change completely and show perfect confidence in the situation. No one would see his doubts and read his worries!

"I'll go and welcome them, if you have any questions about the protocol, ask Brother. I'll leave you to it".

I left the Jingshi and began my visits to the 14 delegations present. I started with my family. It took me 3 hours to make the complete tour. I passed by Brother's workroom before returning to the Jingshi. When I entered, I was not surprised to see Uncle with him.

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