Chapter one

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"Bye mom, bye dad." I said as I stepped into the Hogwarts Express. Today I start my sixth year at Hogwarts as a Slytherin. 

I walked to the compartment where I usually sit with my friends. "Hey guys." I greeted them and they all said "hey." back, except for Mattheo of course, he hates me. 

Then out of nowhere the train starts riding and I fell. I let out a small yell and then noticed I was on top of Mattheo Riddle. "Get the fuck off of me!" He said in disgust and he pushed me off of him.

"I'm sorry." I said sarcastically while I wiped his dirtiness off of me. I quickly sat down besides Luna and Theo. 

"Hey, hey hey! Don't sit between me and my girl." Theo said and Luna started to blush a bit. 

"I do what I want and I sit where I want Nott." I said as I glared at him. 

Suddenly the doors of the compartment opened and we all immediately stare at the beautiful girl in the opening from the door. "Hey I'm Ava Diggory." The girl said and she shot us a sweet smile. 

"Aren't you the sister of the dead one?" Draco asked and Pansy nudged him angrily. 

Ava glared at him and sat down on his lap. "You got a boner Malfoy." She said and everyone in the compartment started to laugh, except for Draco. 

"It's a shame your brother is dead and not you." Draco snapped at her and pushed her off. Ava rolled her eyes and sat down besides Luna. 

"Hello Ava Diggory, I'm Luna Lovegood, nice to meet you." Luna said. 

"Hey Luna, nice to meet you too." Ava replied. 

"Hey pretty girl, I'm Theodore Nott." Theo said. "But you can call me Theo of course." He winked at her and she chuckled a bit. 

Draco rolled his eyes and started to speak. "Theo you're such a player." 

"At least I didn't get a boner." Theo replied proudly. Draco got up and angrily walked out. 

"Nice job Theo." Pansy snapped at Theo. She probably has a crush on Draco or something. 

"Go follow him you filthy simp." Mattheo  hissed. 

"Woah you're in a bad mood." I said. 

"Shut the fuck up L/N." Mattheo snapped at me. 

"Make me." I replied with a smirk on my face. 


We arrived at Hogwarts and immediately went to the great hall for the feast. We all sat down on our house tables and waited for the sorting to start. 

It was really boring but now something even more boring was coming, Dumbledore's speech.

After the feast we went to our dormitories. Pansy and I share a dorm from the beginning of the first year. 

Pansy and I got in and started unpacking. It took us a really long time, but after an hour we were finally done. 

Pansy and I walked back to the Slytherin common room while Luna walked in with another Ravenclaw. I guess she's new because I've never seen her here before. 

"Hello everyone, meet Fay Vixen, my new roommate." Luna said as she and Fay sat down on the couches. 

"Hey Fay, nice to meet you." Pansy said immediately. 

"Why the fuck did you bring a Ravenclaw!?" Draco asked and Luna just ignored him. 

"Leave it Malfoy, she's hot." Theo said. "Look at her beautiful brown hair and her diamond blue eyes." 

"Can you stop simping for Ravenclaws?" Blaise joked. 

"Aw man, you're ruining it." Theo also joked and everyone laughed a bit. 


A/N: Hey everyone! This was our first chapter. We hope you enjoyed it and thanks for reading it so far. Have a good day/night :) 

-Noa, Delfyn, Hajar and Sara :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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