Chapter Eleven- Emma

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                                   I wake up to my head pounding. I go to reach up to rub my head but I notice that my hands won't move. That's when I notice that my hands are tied to the chair that I am sitting on. I look down and see that my ankles are also tied to the chair. Fuck! So much for getting out of here. Who the hell are these people? I know that Tyler put a hit out on me but this can't be those people, can it? I think to myself.

                                  I look around and notice that I am in a small room that only has one dull light that is hanging about my head. I notice a table on one side of the wall that has a bunch of tools like knives, different size hammers, pliers, a saw, and things like that. I silently send a prayer that Jax and my family can find me before I get hurt again. I continue looking around the room and notice that there are two chairs beside the door. The door looks to be a heavy steel type door. Before I get the chance to look around anymore the door starts to open.

                                When the door opens, I see its the guy that was driving the van. He has greasy brown hair and brown eyes. He is beefy looking and really dirty. He takes a hold of one of the chairs that's across from me and drags it over in front of me. He sits on the chair backward and stares at me for a few moments. The way he is looking at me makes me feel disgusting. He's looking at me like I am a piece of meat that he wants a taste of and I really don't like it.

                                   "You know, when Tyler first came to us looking for help to find you, I pictured you to be very ugly." He says, "I was so very wrong. You are just my type of woman. Boy, I would love to have fun with you. Unfortunately doll, we don't have time. You see, Tyler is already here and he wants to have a few words with you."

                           "N-no! P-p-please, don't l-let him s-see me," I beg.

                             "Sorry doll, he's already here. Besides, he's paying me good money just to see your pretty face." He replies.

                      Before I have the chance to say anything, the door opens again. I quickly looked at the door to see Tyler walk in. However, Tyler wasn't alone. While he walked in the door I noticed that he was holding hands with someone who was behind him. As soon as he walks through the door all the way, the person Tyler is holding hands with walks out from behind him. It was my mother. I haven't seen her for about six years.

                       Tyler walks up to me with a smirk on his face and says, "Hello Emma. Did you really think you could just leave me?"

                        "I really hoped I would." I say, "At least I know MY son is safe from his monster of a sperm donor. By the way, hello mother. It's so nice to see you with my sloppy seconds. Are you enjoying his tiny dick?"

                     Tyler smacks me across my face and says, "Watch how you talk to her. She's my woman now. At least she appreciates what I do for her. I don't want that little bastard of yours anyways. He probably isn't mine, seeing as how your such a whore. At least with her, she listens to what I tell her. She does what I tell her to do. Also, I know for a fact that her baby is mine."

                       I burst out laughing. I laugh so hard I have tears coming from my eyes. All of a sudden I feel a fist connect with my eye. Before I even have a chance to recover, Tyler throws a few more punches at my face and my chest. He finally stops and is breathing hard.

                           "Don't worry Emma. I will keep him happy. " My mom says, "You know, I never even wanted you. I only kept you around so that I could use you for leverage at some point against your dad. Looks like I will get my revenge on him soon enough though."

                       "Why the hell do you need revenge on him?" I ask. "What the hell has he ever done to you?"

                     "He made me fall in love with him but he never loved me back." She simply says, as if it's no big deal.

                        "You are so fucking stupid. He tried to find you for fucking years. However, since he didn't know your last fucking name he couldn't find you. He fucking loved you, you dumb bitch." I yell at her.

                       She looks at me shocked for a moment, with tears in her eyes. "No! Your fucking lying. He never loved me. He never tried to find me." She says.

                        "Really? That's funny. I have had three different people tell me the same story. The story is about how he searched for you all over the place, but couldn't seem to find you. The story of how he was in love with you and it tore him apart to the point he vowed to never love another woman again since he couldn't have you. He fell in love with a club whore and didn't care what it would do to his image." I say.

                      "Y-you're lying." She says as she has tears streaming down her face.

                       All of a sudden, I start hearing a popping noise. It kind of sounds like gun fire, but it sounds like its a bit farther away. The noise starts sounding closer and closer until it sounds like it's right outside the door. Tyler looks so scared like he might shit his pants in fear. My mom is down on her knees crying her eyes out. I look at Tyler and smirk.

                      "Looks like my rides here. Enjoy the rest of your life mother fucker. Oh, wait, your about to die." I say.

                         Just then, the door opens revealing my dad, my brothers and Jax. They were all holding guns and they all look furious. As soon as Jax seen me, he looked so relieved. He instantly walked over to me and untied me. I threw my arms around him and hugged him.

                      "Is this the fucker you were telling me about?" Dad asked.

                               "Yeah, that's him." I reply.

                           "I'm gonna have some fun with you before I kill you. You should have never laid a hand on my little sister. " Reaper says.

                    "What the fuck is this bitch crying about?" Needles asks while pointing to my mom.

                        "Well, she claims that she never wanted me and only kept me around so she could get revenge on dad because he supposedly never loved her. I informed her of the truth and she started crying." I reply.

                            "She's fucking dumb if she thought I never loved her. I even told her I would be back for her, but by the time I came back she was gone." Dad says. He then looks at me and asks, "Sweetheart, what do you want me to do with her?"

                              "Do what you want with her. She's with him now and carrying his damn child. She has never been a mother to me. She has always just been my abuser. The only good thing that came out of her was when she dated Jayson." I reply, "Better yet, if you have cells at the club house, we could always take her back there, lock her up, take care of her during her pregnancy and then after the baby is born kill her."

                   "I think that's a good idea," Jax says.

                           "Alright boys, let get these fuckers tied up and move out." Dad says, "Wait, one more thing." He aims his gun at the guy who was driving the van and pulls the trigger, shooting him in the head.

                                We all walk out of there and start heading home. All I know is that soon, I am going to confess to Jax how I feel. I just hope and pray that he feels the same way. I don't think I will be able to handle his rejection. I guess we will find out soon enough what he has to say. All I know is that after this experience, I definitely know that I am completely in love with him.

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