- Kiibo and Ranatro -

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Rantaro's POV:

"Can you believe it, Kiibo?! We're going to the same college! In the same class, and dorms too!"
I laughed.
Kiibo was my best friend ever since kindergarten, and we're dating since high school, everything was going very smoothly. I had been a sophomore, Kiibo was supposed to be a freshman, but he was too smart for that. So he decided to move up to sophomores.
"I know, right! I'm extremely excited, except.. I might be an easy target for bullying and harassment.."
He looked down sadly.
"It'll be alright. I'll protect you as much as possible! Also, do you want people to know we're.. Y'know?"
I elbowed him lightly and he shook his head.
"If we tell them, they'll for sure bully us, not just me!"
He frowned, but looked back up.
"You're probably right.. Anyways, let's head to class!"
I stood up and grabbed his arm, pulling him to our class.
"Ok.. You gotta wait till' the teacher gets here. But i'll save you a seat next to me."
I said, waving to him.
He blushed slightly, took a deep breath and waved back.
I waited patiently for the teacher to enter the classroom.

Kiibo's POV:

"God i'm not ready for this! I'm gonna get bullied.."
I sighed to myself and a teacher tapped my shoulder.
"Ah! You must be Kiibo Iidabashi, correct?"
She said with excitement filling her voice.
I nodded, great. I'm already stuttering. I'm a mess without Rantaro.
"Great! I must say, I am a huge fan of your father's work. I'll signal you to walk in, alright?"
She explains.
"Thank you, i'll make sure to let him know.. And.. O-ok."
I replied and she chuckled lightly.
A few moments later I got called in, I stumbled into the classroom, and heard many whispers, Rantaro just gave me a thumbs up, while some of the other kids I knew from before, like Kaito and Maki just stared at me in anticipation.
"U-uhm. Hi i'm Kiibo Iidabashi.."
I bowed and heard gasps coming from my new class.
"I-I'm the ultimate robotics enthusiast.."
I anxiously looked at Rantaro who was smiling at me, then at Kaito who was cheering quietly, nudging Maki to encourage me too.
"Alright! Now, now, everyone settle down. Kiibo, do you know anyone here?"
She asked and I nodded.
"Mhm.. Rantaro, Kaito, and Maki. They're my comrades, and best friends."
I explained and the teacher told me to sit down next to Rantaro, since he had a saved seat for me.
"Nice job!"
He whispered and I nodded.
"Why is everyone so shocked, like i'm used to this, because of my dad but.. This is making me anxious.. I hate quiet."
I pouted and Rantaro chuckled.
"Well.. What can you say? I was also pretty shocked, but since i'm rich i've met a lot of famous people."
He chuckled and I looked away and scoffed.
"Wow what a way to brag."
I said sarcastically.
I only act this way around Rantaro, Kaito, and Maki, since they're very close to me.
"Hey! Good job sidekick #2!"
Kaito said grinning.
I thanked him before getting cut off.
"Well, you also meet famous people, dumbass."
Rantaro scoffed and I pouted angrily, looking at the floor.
"Hey.. Sorry~"
Rantaro apologized and did puppy dog eyes.
"It's fine."
I chuckled and rolled my eyes.
"I think you should pay attention."
Maki interrupted, we all agreed and made sure to pay attention.
"What the h e double hockey stick? This is easy as fu— frick! Damn it— Uhm! Shoot-"
I stammered and Rantaro chuckled.
"Kaito's rubbing off on you, haha."
He laughed quietly, plugging his nose to try and silence his now wheezing.
"Pft!No way."
I scoffed sarcastically.
"Shit! P-pft!"
Rantaro tried to stop his laughing but the teacher took notice.
"Rant— Actually.. Never mind."
The teacher ignored and kept teaching.
Rantaro chuckled and took a deep breathe, calming himself down.
"Finally, you shut the hell up."
Kaito said and I looked back at him and pouted.
The rest of the class went on and we all talked a bit.
"Alright, lunch time, have fun!"
The teacher excused us.
Kaito jumped up and dragged us to the cafeteria.
"Oh my gosh he's so hot!! I'm such a simp for him!"
I heard a few girls whisper and point at me.
"I'd totally let him step on me!"
One said a bit too loud, but I ignored it still.
"Sorry about them, they're the popular girls, Kaede Akamatsu, Chiaki Nanami, Miu Iruma, Sonia Nevermind, Tsumugi Shirogane, and a few more that I can't remember."
Rantaro explained as a new person walked up to us.
"Hey! Kaito!"
The navy haired emo looking kid walked up to us.
"Hey, you remember when I said I had another friend to introduce you? This is him, his name's Shuichi Saihara! He's a freshman though."
Kaito explained, and everyone greeted him.
Luckily Shuichi was more nonchalant about my, and Rantaro's status.
"I'm the ult. Detective."
He said, sitting down with us.
A blonde girl with pink notes on her skirt walked up to me.
"Yeah? sigh What is it..?"
I asked and she blushed blood pink.
"Omygod! His voice is so hot!"
She ran back to the popular girls and I shook my head and sighed.
"What the actual fuck— I MEAN SHIT!! UHM!"
I jumped up and looked back down in embarrassment, getting a few stares.
"Heh, it's alright."
Rantaro patted my back.
"Anywayss~ Lovebirds, let's go, its free time."
Kaito said, Shuichi looking at us confused, then making an 'O' shape with his mouth.
"Oh! You're dating? That's cool!"
He said, making sure to be quiet about it, but we nodded;
"Thank you for.. Being quiet about it, I don't really want to be bullied again."
I tilted my head and smiled.
Shuichi frowned.
"Yeah, I used to go to my dad's school. People bullied me, thats how I met Rantaro, Kaito, and Maki!"
I explained, then the bell rang, so we went to class.
"So, now it's break again.."
Rantaro said.
"I think we should split for now, I should get to know people."
I explained and Rantaro nodded sadly.
"I was about to say that! But I don't wanna leave you.. What if you get anxious?"
Rantaro pouted.
"I'll be alright, if I need anything i'll come right back to you."
I said and Rantaro nodded, hugged me and we parted ways.
I was taking a walk, looking around for a few people who seemed like they wouldn't harass me.

Heyhey! I'm so excited for this story!! So i'll keep updating later!

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