🌺Medic x Reader- Coffee Shop🌺

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(Y/N) got up, stretching briefly. You blinked slowly, the sunlight from your window lighting the room. Glancing at your clock, you saw that the time was about seven AM. The sun felt warm and inviting, but the fluffy mattress seemed to pull you in. After giving yourself a few more minutes, you stood up fully, then yawned. It was a beautiful day outside and you needed some coffee to function as a human being, so you started getting dressed to walk to your local café.

Stepping out the door, you waved to your neighbors. The chill autumn breeze ruffled your hair as you continued walking. After a while, the scenery turned from small bushes to lush, full-grown trees that shifted gently in the wind. The park was adorned with benches, flowers, a fountain, and-

Wait, why were there so many doves?

There were usually only five or six, but there could easily be over thirty around the fountain. Shrugging, you walked to a bench and sat down, the crisp breeze tousled your hair again, filling your nose with the smell of pinecones and dried leaves. A dove hopped up to you, cooing softly. You smiled at it and extended your hand, your eyes widening in surprise when it booped your hand.

"Aww, thanks," you said, stroking a finger down the dove's head.

You continued to pet it, listening to its soft feathers rustle. A tall man ran into the park, gasping for breath. More doves followed him, perching on his shoulders, or flying after him.

"ARCHIMEDES! Zhere jou are! Was habe ich dir über das Abfliegen so erzählt!?" the man said, abruptly stopping in front of you, his arms gesturing wildly.

The dove you were petting, apparently called "Archimedes", flew up and onto the man's arm, seeming....smug? The man gave you a small grin, extending his hand to you.

"Vell, I can only hope zhat he did not bothzer jou too much. Ach, birds! I'm Medic, but jou can call me Ludvig.", Ludwig said, grin still on his face.

You shook his hand lightly, smiling. "I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you."

There was a bit of a awkward pause, but Ludwig spoke up.

"If jou don't mind, may I sit next to jou? If not, zhat iz ok too."

"Sure! I don't mind."

Medic sat next to you, the birds following him and sitting around both of you. They seemed to take a newfound interest in you, studying your face or alighting on your shoulders. You didn't mind the attention, but they seemed to give you a bit more space than they could, glancing at their master.

"So, vhat sort of things go jou like to do?" Ludwig asked, turning to you.

"Oh, nothing much. Simple things like reading, but I also work at a coffee shop."

"Really? Vhat sort of coffee do zhey have zhere?"

"Espressos, macchiatos, flat whites, lattes, cappuccinos, mochas, affogatos, and-" You cut off, not wanting to ramble for too long.

"No, jou are fine. I'm not busy today, so I vouldn't mind something to do."


You both continued talking about coffee for a while, the wind starting to pick up, but you decided to ask what sort of work he does.

"Vhat is my job? Ach, jou probably vouldn't vant to know zhe whole story, but I am basically a doctor," Ludwig said, sighing.

"Oh, do go on," you said, eager to hear what stories he had.

He seemed surprised at this, his face flushing faintly. "Vell, alright. For starters, I haff made zome incredible realizations vith baboons! I haff designed a device that, vhen linked properly- vell, first jou vould need a baboon uterus, but vill instantly produce healthy young baboons....."

His hands moved animatedly as he spoke, and you realized you kept gazing into his light blue eyes, but he didn't seem to mind. ".....So, in all, zhe heart can be rather inefficient, but I haff also made an invention to fix zis problem. Although, it does haff....some issues." The doves seemed to be settling in, huddling around both of you and ruffling their wings. A particularly strong gust of wind caught you both off guard, causing you to shiver slightly.

Ludwig noticed, stopping his rant. "Could we go get some coffee?", you asked. "It's right down the street from here...."

"Ja! It iz getting a bit cold, iz it not? I vould not mind something varm to get us up again," he responded.

You both got up, Medic having to shoo the doves away, which they did, but very, very reluctantly. As you walked down the street, the sun disappeared behind the clouds, making it even colder. You both shuffled into the café, noses pink from the chill of autumn. Ludwig ordered an espresso and a muffin, and you chose (insert favorite type of coffee), and (insert type of pastry here). Sitting down at a table, you savored the smell of pumpkin and coffee. Your coffee arrived a moment later, hot and steaming, as well as your pastries. You sipped the coffee, but it was a bit too hot, and it burnt your mouth, causing you to flinch.

 "Ach! (Y/N), are jou alright?" Ludwig said, seeming genuinely concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks," you said, your tongue feeling sore.

He bit into his muffin, causing a few crumbs to fall to the plate. You smiled at him, causing his face to flush lightly with what you presumed was embarrassment. You snorted, not expecting to get a reaction out of him this easily. Taking a breath as he finished his bite, you bit into your treat. It was delicious, with the flavors mixing around your mouth pleasantly. However, you were hungrier than you thought.

Medic looked to you, watching you devour your (pastry or whatever lol). Only after you finished eating did you realize he was staring intently at you, his deep eyes seeming to absorb every inch of you.

"Um, Ludwig?" you said, waving your hand in front of his face. "Earth to Medic?"

He blinked, eyes darting to yours as his face flushed. Obviously flustered, he adjusted his glasses.

"Tut mir Leid- I mean-.....ja?" he stuttered, trying to compose himself.

He hurriedly sipped his coffee, and you chuckled, then burst out laughing fully, amused at his nervousness. Poor Medic didn't know what to do, glancing from side to side, trying to figure out what was making you laugh so hard. Unfortunately, this only made you laugh even harder. After you had calmed down, you took another drink of your coffee, which was now the perfect temperature.

"Sorry, sorry. You just were acting funny," you explained, grinning.

"Ah, z-zhats vhat zhat iz. I vanted to-" he started, but stopped, as his phone began to ring.

Glancing at it, he groaned, then looked to you quickly.

"Frau, I haff to go. Perhaps ve can meet tomorrow?" Ludwig asked, his composure tense.

"Alright, I'll be off at five tomorrow, and there's a movie at six. Can we meet at the movie theater then?", you said, slightly disappointed that it had ended that fast.

A/N:Thanks for reading! You can request here, have a wonderful day my Freunde!

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